Tonight will mark the end of an era in Big Brother. Arguably the most popular player of All-Time Janelle should be walking out the Big Brother 22 door for the last time. But let’s face it – she was doomed from the start and the game will change dramatically once she is gone. Who will become the new public enemy #1? And more important for us – when will everyone stop playing safe & start trying to make some big moves? We will find out soon enough.
BUT FIRST – let’s take a look back at everyone’s gameplay in Week 3 of All-Stars 2 and see if it got them bacon or tofu
Tyler Crispen – 5 strips of Bacon – so far the first 2 HoHs took the easy way out by getting rid of players that were not too connected in the house. Tyler did make the biggest move so far by putting up the legendary combo of Janelle & Kaysar. While on the surface that may seem to be an easy move as well, that was exactly the move he needed to make this week to help him fade back into the background for the upcoming week. Tyler is spread all over the house with his deals & alliances – and any other move would have rocked the boat. When building a house of cards – any little movement could have it all come tumbling down.
Cody Calafiore – 4 strips of Bacon – Cody won his 2nd competition of the summer so far by winning the Veto and of course, he stuck it in the box and didn’t use it. He also spent the week solidifying his spot among several of his deals and has set himself up well regardless of who wins the next HoH. In a house with so many big targets (eventually) – Cody is not viewed as a threat.
Enzo Palumbo – 3 strips of Bacon – yo, I won more comps in the first 3 weeks of this season than I did in all of BB12 yo. You cant stop the Meow Meow. I am the true All-Star so dont forget that yo!
Christmas Abbott – 2 strips of Bacon & 13 bottles of milk – as far as Big Brother punishments are concerned – this was actually one of the best ones I can remember. It’s better than just an outfit & it was hysterical watching all of the baby stars starting to pile up. I may have missed a few more – but I believe the final count was 13. Christmas was a good sport about it and only griped a few times. Gamewise – she continues to get information from people and is selective on who she is giving it to. Not as disposable to the Committee as Memphis is – Christmas also has some decent lines of communication open with others in case she needs to pivot.
Da’Vonne Rogers – 2 strips of Bacon – what makes Da’Vonne a good BB player is her ability to observe what is going on around her. What makes her a fun player for fans to watch is her ability to call people out when things do not add up. She did it again this week and shifted the whole “David vote flip” conversation away from her and onto David for talking too much. We really need Da’Vonne to win the HoH this week and shake things up.
Janelle Pierzina & Kaysar Ridha – 1 strip of Bacon each – this is probably more of a sentimental ranking than it is true gameplay. Season 6 was the season that made me go from casual fan to SUPERFAN. Janelle & Kaysar (along with Howie) were responsible for that. From the second the 2 of them walked in the house together – they were the biggest targets. They embraced it like they do – understanding their legacy preceded them. Each one took different approaches to campaign this week. Janelle was aggressive – making good points on why she is better for other people’s game if she stays. Kaysar was more laid back just having his usual thoughtful conversations with everyone. If not Da’Vonne – we REALLY REALLY need him to win HoH. Despite what happens the rest of the season – I for one was extremely happy to see both of them back.
Bayleigh Dayton – 1 strip of Tofu – the theme of the season so far has been – whoever is close to Janelle goes home. Bayleigh was doing a good job a week ago – but her attitude and sass is starting to come out – and her association with Janelle is starting to put a target on her. Players look for anything to use as a reason to get rid of people – and her bragging about how much money Swaggy spends is not a good look. But even worse was a joke she threw out there to Nicole about how she used showmances to help her in the past. “A couple of tries and a couple of guys.” That was hysterical to hear – but…
Nicole Franzel – 1 strip of Tofu – …picking up from the Bayleigh comment – Nicole got all sorts of twisted (like she does) after Bay teased her for her showmances. But in each retell – she got weepier and weepier and once again is playing the victim for sympathy. If she was not already in several alliances (some formed pre-game, some formed inside) – she would be an easy target for being a previous winner & carrying around her miserable attitude.
Memphis Garrett – 2 strips of Tofu – Memphis has shaken his HoHitis but not his cocky attitude. He is completely unaware of how his own alliance is getting sick of him (and most of us out here too) and will be presumably the first one cut by them. In a rookie move – he did such a bad job throwing the Veto. Never make it that obvious – you can go take a seat at the kids’ table.
Daniele Donato – 3 strips of Tofu – I keep going back and forth thinking Dani is playing a good game or playing a bad game. But this week her game has really taken a turn for the worse. As I mentioned last week – people are starting to catch on to her double, triple, quadruple dipping. She also made the Bayleigh / Nicole comment worse by taking it upon herself to retell the conversation in her perspective to others who already heard about it and they know she was embellishing the details & tone. Playing the mean girl is what she does well, but it is not going over well inside the house (or outside either).
Ian Terry – 4 strips of Tofu – surprisingly Ian still has no clue how close he was to going up on the block last week. In the Big Brother house – for a secret to be kept this long is pretty impressive. The reason Ian is getting Tofu this week is his inability to see what is going on all around him. His plan of laying low and then turning it on later is not going to go well since he does not have too many allies to team up with when he decides to turn it on. He could have used this week to help form an alliance even if he was still going to vote out Janelle. His only 2 bonds seem to be with Nicole, who is using him, and Kaysar, who he matches book smarts with. He may really regret not taking matters into his own hands sooner.
Kevin Campbell – 5 strips of Tofu – let’s face it – Kevin still has not shaken off the 1st week funk of being a Have-Not and a nominee. His bad reads on what is going on around the house led to Nicole A’s departure last week – and it’s keeping him as “expendable” to everyone. He knows it – and he still has not done anything to try and change his spot in the house. If by some chance he does win an HoH this week – we will see a flip and he will become as unbearable as Memphis was last week.
That brings us to the Tofurkey of the Week and to no one’s surprise – it’s David Alexander. I could write a whole article about how bad his game has been – but it’s already been covered here. Bottom line – never rat out your allies – and never ever admit to wrongdoings. But if he would have studied this game and/or listened to all of the people that were trying to help him – he would know these things.
My question of the week – which player this season has done the most damage to their Big Brother legacy?
Ok – there ya go – another week in the books and sadly the end of an era. There is always a chance for a last-minute flip – oh wait – no there isn’t. This is new school Big Brother not the classic Big Brother we were hoping for with all of these All-Stars. Please let me know what you think of this week’s column & your answer to my QOTW in the comment section below.
Catch me here every week during the BB season for my rankings. If you want more of my thoughts during the season. follow me on Twitter @HeavyMetalTeddy – and listen to my Podcast – @BigBrothersPod.
From outside the Big Brother House – I am Adam Poch – let’s have a great season!