Despite the latest nomination ceremony going down, it was a pretty quiet night in the Big Brother 22 house. Everyone just wanted to relax and hang out, which is really just code for “We don’t want to hear Christmas talk game anymore.” We did get some game talk, though, that indicated who the target is this week, and the two people voting have differing opinions on that. If the veto isn’t used, could the HOH end up having to break the tie?
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Big Brother 22 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, October 9, 2020:
4:20 PM BBT – Feeds cut for nomination ceremony.
5:25 PM BBT – Feeds return. Nicole nominated Memphis and Christmas.
5:42 PM BBT – Memphis tells Cody that Christmas said they need Enzo to win veto so he can save one of them and force Nicole to put Cody up and they vote him out.
7:33 PM BBT – Nicole and Enzo discuss what needs to happen this week. Enzo says he doesn’t trust Christmas but Memphis should go because he’s the better player. Nicole says the only reason why Christmas is even still here is because there have been bigger targets that needed to go ahead of her.
7:36 PM BBT – Enzo and Nicole regret telling Cody that Christmas is coming after him because now he wants her out over Memphis.
7:40 PM BBT – Nicole tells Enzo that Memphis is only watching out for himself and that’s how he’s played all season long. They agree that Memphis is the only one they don’t want to win the Power of Veto.
8:18 PM BBT – The final five houseguests are having dinner together.
8:50 PM BBT – Enzo and Cody agree that Memphis needs to go because he’s been such a competition “animal.” Enzo says he’s had it with Christmas but Memphis is a better player.
9:05 PM BBT – Memphis tells Cody that Christmas is going to be glued to Nicole all week.
9:12 PM BBT – Christmas starts to talk game to Nicole but she can tell Nicole isn’t interested. Nicole tells her she just wants to relax and not talk game right now.
9:16 PM BBT – Not much going on tonight. HGs are hanging out, doing face masks, and other beauty treatments.
9:55 PM BBT – Enzo tells Cody he wants to get Memphis out this week. Cody says they need to win that Veto.
10:00 PM BBT – Cody and Enzo discuss the plan by Christmas and Memphis to get Enzo renom’d and evicted should one of them win the Veto. They think this was Christmas’s idea. They go over how Memphis doesn’t know that Enzo is aware of the Committee or that Cody knows about the other Wise Guys alliance.
10:05 PM BBT – Nicole returns to the HOH room. She asks Cody if he’s good with targeting Memphis this week. Everyone agrees that’s the right move.
10:00 PM BBT – Cody, taking moves from Derrick’s playbook, wants to tell Memphis on Thursday but Nicole and Enzo want to blindside him.
10:50 PM BBT – Nicole warned Cody and Enzo that they’ll have to play rock-paper-scissors to decide the renom if either nom gets the Veto. Nah, it’ll be Enzo.
11:30 PM BBT – HGs are off to bed.
Quiet night wraps up with the HGs in control deciding Memphis is their target but we’ve still got the Veto in the way of that. Everyone will be playing again this week and both noms are strong enough competitors to keep this interesting as we wait on spoilers later today.
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