Kevin celebrated his birthday in the Big Brother 22 house, but was the fun cut short by the nomination ceremony results? Read on to find out what the new Head of Household has in store for this week. Here’s a hint: No one really knows what’s really going on because the plans are top secret.
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Big Brother 22 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, September 18, 2020:
4:07 PM BBT – Feeds have gone down for the nomination ceremony.
4:57 PM BBT – Feeds return. HGs hugging Da’Vonne. Memphis nominated her and Kevin.
5:00 PM BBT – Enzo and Cody say Da’Vonne has only herself to blame for being nominated since she used the veto on Kevin last week.
5:03 PM BBT David apologizes to Da’Vonne for going off on her the day before.
5:06 PM BBT – Kevin tells Da’Vonne he feels so bad that she’s up because she used the veto on him. She tells himont to feel bad. Kevin says that’s a cop out excuse Memphis is using.
5:11 PM BBT – Nicole tells Da’Vonne and Kevin she’s surprised David wasn’t put up. Da’Vonne says she is too but not really if they are all working together. She says that would explain why they were set up with the vote.
5:16 PM BBT – Kevin tells Da’Vonne they have been suspecting there was a big alliance and this all confirms it.
5:18 PM BBT – Da’Vonne says she keeps thinking about Memphis saying he has a plan. She says maybe they’re really just his pawns so that he can backdoor someone. She says she’s just trying to be hopeful.
5:24 PM BBT – Da’Vonne is so confused why Memphis didn’t put up David. She says that means they’re either aligned or he is going to backdoor him. Kevin and Da’Vonne think maybe David got a temporary membership to that big alliance.
5:28 PM BBT – Kevin and Da’Vonne have a sweet moment about becoming friends in the house. Da’Vonne said when she saw him play in BB11 she thought they’d be good friends and now they are.
5:32 PM BBT – Da’Vonne plans to cook fried chicken and mac and cheese for Kevin’s birthday dinner.
5:42 PM BBT – Kevin and Da’Vonne both say they aren’t going to campaign against each other.
6:25 PM BBT – HGs just hanging out. Nothing much going on but small talk.
7:56 PM BBT – David cam talks about being upset Da’Vonne doesn’t believe he voted to evict Tyler with them.
8:10 PM BBT – Enzo says Nicole is hiding from the cameras and says she needs to accept that America hates her.
8:37 PM BBT – Kevin says he thinks Dani told Nicole to vote out Ian so she wouldn’t have to break the tie. Da’Vonne says she doesn’t think so.
8:45 PM BBT – Nicole is still hiding under blankets from the cameras.
8:47 PM BBT – Kevin tells Da’Vonne he’s at the point where he doesn’t even care anymore. He says he just feels indifferent now. She says she feels the same way.
8:50 PM BBT – Da’Vonne says she’s going to play it cool until the veto ceremony and if it’s the two of them still on the block, she says F this house.
8:52 PM BBT – Dani plays dumb and asks Da’Vonne if David is with the guys or what. Da’Vonne says unless he’s a backdoor plan he must be.
8:54 PM BBT – Da’Vonne tells Dani she and Kevin have a theory that Cody, Tyler and Enzo are the core and Memphis and David are the plus ones.
9:02 PM BBT – Da’Vonne asks Dani if Nicole voted out Ian. Dani said no way and asks what would she do that. Da’Vonne says she’s just asking because she would hate to be bashing David if it wasn’t really him who voted that way.
9:10 PM BBT – Da’Vonne says she knew she was screwed when she cast her vote and Julie said “Oh OK.” Dani says “no she didn’t did she?” Da’Vonne says she did.
9:40 PM BBT – Kevin thanks Day for saving him last week and being a testament to using your power even when people tell you not to do it… Dani is sitting right there.
9:50 PM BBT – Christmas finds Dani with Day and Kevin in the Lounge. She immediately runs upstairs to tell Memphis and calls it interesting. Memphis says Dani is trying to rekindle things. Both agree they can’t figure out Dani’s game. Christmas worries when they’re down to eight HGs their own alliance will come for her.
10:50 PM BBT – Day and David are finally meeting up to talk. She doesn’t believe he voted out Tyler (he did). She tells him how she’s been fighting all season to keep him safe.
11:05 PM BBT – David thanks Day for apologizing over what she said in the kitchen about him.
11:15 PM BBT – Day believes she’s on the Block because of the vote on Thursday and not because she used the Veto last week.
11:25 PM BBT – David and Day wrap up their conversation. Day says she hopes she’s wrong (about him flipping against the plan – she is wrong).
11:40 PM BBT – An earthquake hit the area of the BB house. 4.8 magnitude. HGs scattered but are okay.
12:35 AM BBT – Day and Kevin go over the votes. They wonder if David will throw the Veto comp if he gets picked to play.
1:00 AM BBT – HGs are heading off to bed.
The Noms were unsurprising this week but we’re still left wondering just what Memphis is up to and whether or not he has a secret plan. We won’t know until after the Veto is done so we’re going to be watching for that on Saturday in hopes of a little more excitement on the Feeds.
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