The Big Brother 22 houseguests remained pretty tight-lipped Monday evening, including the two nominees. And that’s never a good thing when you’re on the block. There’s been little campaigning from either of them and the other players have noticed. There was some major action on the alliance front, however, so read on to find out who is planning on working together going forward.
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Big Brother 22 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, August 10, 2020:
3:15 PM BBT – Memphis and Dani discuss the group of six the want (Memphis, Dani, Cody, Nicole F, Christmas, Tyler). Memphis says with that six they can have eyes everywhere.
3:30 PM BBT – Dani asks Nicole A if she’s voting to keep Kevin. Nicole says she thinks so and adds that he doesn’t really have anyone. Dani agrees. Dani tells Nicole that she thinks Kevin and Nicole A are similar.
3:43 PM BBT – Dani tries to see who Nicole A would put up if she was HOH, but Nicole won’t say. She just says there are certain personalities in the house that intimidate her.
4:35 PM BBT – Janelle is working on a cake for Kaysar’s birthday.
4:55 PM BBT – Memphis and Christmas discuss Janelle. Christmas worries that Janelle has Dani on her side. Memphis says he doesn’t think so but says Janelle is a snake and will be campaigning for Keesha.
5:00 PM BBT – Memphis changes the topic to the six her has in mind and proposes it to Christmas. She’s on board, especially since it includes Tyler who she secretly already has a deal with. The plan Cody and Memphis have is for Christmas to propose the alliance to Cody so it doesn’t look like the two of them came up with the idea.
5:55 PM BBT – Janelle continues to play house mom and is cooking tacos for everyone.
6:38 PM BBT – Da’Vonne tells Dani she has no idea what is going to happen with the vote because everyone is so tight-lipped this season.
6:45 PM BBT – Nicole A and Memphis discuss the vote. Memphis tells Nicole A that he’s the reason Keesha left in BB11 so there would be no love lost there. He says he doesn’t care which of the two go this week.
6:55 PM BBT – HGs discussing who they thought were going to be there. Kaycee and Josh come up and how TMZ said they were spotted at LAX airport. That leads the HGs to conclude they were going to be on but tested positive for Covid-19.
7:53 PM BBT – Kevin tells Da’Vonne that he thinks the vote will be close. She tells him she doesn’t think so because Keesha only has four votes to stay.
7:56 PM BBT – Kevin is still set on going after Janelle, thinking she is the one behind him going on the block. Talk turns to Memphis now. Kevin thinks Memphis is campaigning for Keesha. Da’Vonne says that’s because Keesha is vote for him if he ends up on the block.
8:00 PM BBT – Da’Vonne says Memphis must be talking game with Nicole because the cameras turned to them. Kevin says he’s going to go interrupt them.
8:02 PM BBT – Dani tells Bayleigh that she wants Kevin to stay. Bayleigh says she does too. Dani says with Keesha going they let Kevin enjoy some extra time in the house and the severe the pre-existing relationship of Keesha and Memphis.
8:08 PM BBT – Dani moves onto Ian in what seems to be her own campaign for Keesha to go. She tells Ian that she enjoys Kevin. Ian says he doesn’t know what is happening with the vote.
8:30 PM BBT – Bayleigh and Christmas discuss the vote. Christmas says neither Keesha nor Kevin have talked to her. She says unless one of them come to her it’ll be a coin toss or just go with everyone else.
8:43 PM BBT – Da’Vonne tells Kaysar she tires of everyone wanting to talk about past seasons. She says she wants to talk about this season. Kaysar says he doesn’t believe no one is talking game. Da’Vonne says she doesn’t buy it for a second. She says everyone keeps saying no one is talking game and that is impossible. Kaysar says people are telling him that too. She again says she doesn’t buy it.
8:45 PM BBT – Kaysar asks Day if she prefers one of the nominees over the other. She says she likes them both. Kaysar says neither of them helps or hurts his personal game so he has no idea. He says his only focus is winning HOH next week.
9:08 PM BBT – Keesha asks Ian if he knows what’s going on with the vote. Ian says it must be a close vote but he says no one is discussing it and it’s so weird. Keesha says she just wants to know how the vote will go because she doesn’t want to be blindsided.
9:16 PM BBT – Kevin tells Nicole A if he wins HOH he will make a division in the house. He says he will nominate who was behind putting him on the block. He says he doesn’t think it was Cody alone. He now thinks it was Memphis’ idea.
9:35 PM BBT – Christmas is upset because she misses her son. She’s crying a lot.
11:45 PM BBT – Dani is talking with Day. She says she likes Christmas but doesn’t know much about her. Dani wants to find out who Janelle is working with and wonders if it could be Christmas. Dani wants Kevin to stay over Keesha.
12:00 AM BBT – Christmas talks with Cody about the alliance that Memphis pitched. It’s a group of six and she likes that with Memphis, Tyler, Franzel, Dani, and the two of them. Christmas also mentions she wants to keep Keesha because she feels Keesha is more beatable than Kevin and that’s how you decide who to evict. Cody says he’s only been talking with Kevin so far.
12:20 AM BBT – Cody tells Franzel that he trusts Christmas but not so sure on Dani. He tells Franzel to watch out for Enzo. Franzel says she does not trust Ian.
12:25 AM BBT – Franzel tells Cody Keesha would be easier to beat. She wants to know who Janelle wants to keep and then do the opposite. Franzel says she owes Cody because Paulie voted for her to win. They start to discuss if Day and Bay made a pregame alliance and Feeds cut.
12:30 AM BBT – Franzel expects Janelle would put up her and Cody together.
12:35 AM BBT – Keesha goes over the votes with Janelle. She needs to get Ian’s vote.
1:45 AM BBT – HGs discussing the finale date as October 28th now after initially being told the 21st. Dani is frustrated by the extra week.
2:15 AM BBT – Dani is concerned about Franzel but Cody says only Janelle is targeting Franzel. Cody isn’t worried about Janelle even though they don’t talk game.
2:20 AM BBT – Cody shares that Christmas wants to keep Keesha and Dani suggests that’s because Memphis wants the same.
3:00 AM BBT – HGs off to sleep.
There’s no set plan yet for the first eviction as this one could go either way at the moment. We’ll need to see someone other than the Noms make a hard push to rally the votes. Who do you think will make it happen?
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