Big Brother 22 Live Feeds Week 2: Monday Daytime Highlights

The HGs got an early wakeup to prepare for the POV Ceremony and spent a lot of time wondering if Memphis had a backdoor plan up his sleeve. The POV Ceremony came and went and the final noms for week 2 started their campaigns. Read on to get all the details of the talks inside the house right here!

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Big Brother 22 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Monday, August 17, 2020:

8:30 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.

9:00 AM BBT – Memphis and Janelle are talking about how Nicole A needs a pep talk this week. They think it sucks that she isn’t doing any campaigning yet.

9:15 AM BBT – Janelle thinks it’s crazy that everyone is voting to keep David this week. They talk about how Nicole A should try and broker a deal with Enzo. Memphis mentions that she needs to do her own campaigning and needs to stop expecting Janelle to do it for her.

9:35 AM BBT – Cody joins Memphis and Janelle in the backyard. General chit chat going on.

10:05 AM BBT – Ian is acting out a scene in the living room.

10:23 AM BBT – Ian now has to go to all the rooms and do the scene to wake everyone up.

10:42 AM BBT – Janelle tells Kaysar that they are keeping David to go after them and he doesn’t care. Kaysar tells Janelle he couldn’t sleep all night because he was so irritated. Janelle says they are going to use the excuse that Nicole A is sad to vote her out.

10:52 AM BBT – Janelle is frustrated that this is two weeks in a row now. Kaysar thinks that it would be horrible if they were trying to convince Kevin to keep Nicole A and Da’Vonne was trying to convince him to keep David.

11:00 AM BBT – Kevin tells Da’Vonne the he thinks the house would understand if he voted to keep Nicole A this week, but he says that he is open to do what the house wants. Da’Vonne tells Kevin that she doesn’t think that Memphis is working with them (Cody, Tyler, etc.) and Kevin tells her they are 100% working together.

11:06 AM BBT – Kaysar asks who is playing in the Safety Suite next week and who will use it on one of them? Janelle tells him that they have to win HOH next week or they are going on the block together.

11:11 AM BBT – Tyler is telling David that Da’Vonne is being sketchy and questioning everyone about alliances.

12:00 PM BBT – Tyler, Dani, and Nicole F are talking about how Covid shut down Big Brother Canada 30 days into the season.

12:03 PM BBT – Nicole A is putting a Happy Birthday message on the kitchen table for her mom.

12:12 PM BBT – Kitty Cams for POV Meeting

12:54 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Memphis didn’t use the POV.

1:00 PM BBT – David asks Enzo if he can count on his vote and Enzo tells him that the two of them and Tyler need to talk.

1:01 PM BBT – Kaysar tells Memphis the problem now is that Nicole A is going home. Memphis tells him he doesn’t think so, he’s going to talk to Enzo.

1:17 PM BBT – Nicole A and Christmas are chatting and Nicole A says that she keeps telling herself to fight, but her head and heart are telling her two different things.

1:19 PM BBT – Bayleigh tells Kevin that she has to make sure that David wants to work with them if they choose to keep him because she sees that the other side of the house is trying to work with him. Kevin says he noticed that too. Bayleigh tells Kevin that the two of them have to be synced this week.

1:25 PM BBT – Kevin checks in with Da’Vonne and tells her that him and Bayleigh are aligned. They talk about Dani and Da’Vonne is wondering why she is acting so weird. Kevin said that it could be her working with them or it could be paranoia.

1:30 PM BBT – Da’Vonne tells Kevin that he needs to keep up with his relationships with Enzo expecially. She adds that she thinks Nicole A’s possible saving grace is if everyone thinks that David is Memphis’ target this week.

1:33 PM BBT – Nicole A joins Da’Vonne and Kevin and the are filling her in on what they think. Kevin tells Nicole A that he is going to try to get some information out of David about who is voting for him. Da’Vonne also tells Nicole A that at some point she has to stop sharing information with David. Nicole A agrees.

1:49 PM BBT – Nicole tells Da’Vonne that if he has 4-5 votes already then he has an alliance saving him. The question is, is it an alliance he is part of or an alliance who wants to pull him in and are saving him to do so.

1:55 PM BBT – Nicole tells Da’Vonne she thinks the vote could be close. Da’Vonne tells her that she needs to make sure that it’s a tie this week because if it is Memphis will send David home. Nicole asks if Bayleigh will vote with her and Da’Vonne tells her she isn’t sure, but that’s why Nicole A needs to get with everyone.

2:07 PM BBT – Nicole A is campaigning to Nicole F and Nicole F asks if it’s true that Janelle was trying to get her (NF) BD’d. Nicole A confirms that she was and she feels like Janelle was trying to set her up for it. Nicole F and A both realize that Janelle always says “she heard” when she is the one who is really saying everything.

2:15 PM BBT – Nicole F tells A that she is really happy that Nicole A came to talk to her. She says that she wants to talk to some of the other’s and see what’s going and she will let Nicole A know.

2:32 PM BBT – Dani is talking to Da’Vonne and asking if they are good. Da’Vonne tells her that she wants to be able to have conversations with her without feeling that she is going to run back to Cody.

2:36 PM BBT – Da’Vonne tells Dani what Bayleigh told her about a conversation they (Bayleigh and Dani) had and then Cody told Da’Vonne similar things. Dani tells Da’Vonne that Bayleigh had the same convo with Cody as she had with Dani.

3:00 PM BBT – General chatting going on in the house and in the backyard.

Now that the nominations are final, Nicole A and David will hit the campaign trail hard for the next few days. Nicole A has made it clear that she isn’t done fighting and plans to talk to everyone in the house. Problem is, while she is fighting for her game, she is sinking Janelle’s and she is one of the only people trying to help her stay in the house this week.

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