Big Brother 22 Live Feeds Week 1: Thursday Daytime Highlights

It is Eviction Day in the Big Brother 22 house and a lot of time was spent trying to figure out the votes. While most of the HGs already know where their vote will go, one HG is holding onto the hope that the vote might change. Read on to get all the details!

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Big Brother 22 Live Feed Highlights – Thursday, August 13, 2020:

7:30 AM BBT – Early wakeup for the HGs.

7:42 AM BBT – Janelle tells Kaysar that Christmas came to her last night and told her Da’Vonne said Keesha was staying this week. Kaysar says they need to get a consensus before the vote then. Kaysar wonders if someone is trying to set them up.

7:47 AM BBT – Keesha comes into the room with Janelle and Kaysar and she says she feels like she is going home. She tells them that Nicole A told her that the house is leaning towards Kevin.

7:55 AM BBT – Keesha is telling Janelle and Kaysar that she needs Ian and Nicole A’s votes. She adds that she will have Christmas’ vote if they can get enough people behind it. Keesha tells them that Christmas is just looking for confirmation.

8:00 AM BBT – Keesha is talking to David in the kitchen. Tells him that if she leaves tonight for him to find her when he gets out so they can go hiking together. Meanwhile, Janelle and Kaysar are still in the bedroom trying to figure out what’s going on.

8:03 AM BBT – Janelle and Kaysar have come down to the conclusion that Da’Vonne wasn’t honest with her voting plans. The mention going after David and Nicole F and crushing Cody’s alliance if they win HOH.

8:15 AM BBT – Kaysar tells Janelle that if Memphis isn’t going to take the risk to save Keesha, why should he? Kaysar tells her that they need to try and talk to Da’Vonne before the votes.

8:36 AM BBT – Keesha and Kaysar are talking. Kaysar tells her that Janelle is trying to find out where Da’Vonne got her info and why she’s confident that Keesha’s staying.

8:44 AM BBT – Keesha tells Kaysar that they have to talk about it today. She adds that Cody even told her he would tell her for sure.

8:46 AM BBT – Janelle tells Cody that Christmas told her (J) that Da’Vonne said everyone is keeping Keesha.

8:52 AM BBT – Janelle tells Cody that she has to wear her star costume during the live show.

8:55 AM BBT – Janelle tells Kaysar and Keesha that she is not happy about having to wear the star during the live show.

9:17 AM BBT – Daivd is talking to the cams saying hi to his family. He then talks to Cliff about Ian liking backgammon as much as he does. Talks about trying to do a charity backgammon tournament as long as covid doesn’t get in the way of it.

9:24 AM BBT – Kevin mentions how BB is making him look at mess in his DRs today.

9:30 AM BBT – Kitty Cams for HOH Lockdown.

10:40 AM BBT – Feeds are back.

11:17 AM BBT – Janelle tells Bayleigh that either of them staying would help her game. Bayleigh tells her that Keesha is telling people to come to talk to Janelle whenever they go to talk to her about the vote. Janelle tells Bayleigh that’s annoying.

11:22 AM BBT – Janelle claims she wasn’t campaigning for Keesha to stay. Bayleigh mentions that she is going to keep an eye on the order of who votes tonight to try and determine who might be the swing votes. (If Julie gives a vote count halfway through)

11:30 AM BBT – Dani tells Da’Vonne that this week was too agressive. Da’Vonne said that’s what she told Janelle, it should have been an easy week. Dani mentions that she thinks Janelle wanting to hear from everyone is so that she can determine if she needs to campaign harder for Keesha.

11:35 AM BBT – Janelle walks in and asks Dani and Da’Vonne what they want to do. Dani tells her eveyone wants to keep Kevin, she hasn’t heard Keesha’s name at all. Janelle says that Christmas said Keesha was staying.

11:39 AM BBT – Da’Vonne tells Dani she heard Christmas said something about Da’Vonne not trusting her (C) and then goes back and tells Janelle that she told her the house was keeping Keesha. She said it didn’t make any sense. Da’Vonne adds that she said she would vote for Keesha if she had the votes.

11:44 AM BBT – Keesha tells Janelle that she is totally prepared to go home tonight. She just doesn’t want to be blindsided and cry.

11:47 AM BBT – Janelle tells Kaysar that Keesha was campaigning to the girls and telling them to “talk to Janelle” and he tells her that Keesha was telling people that Kaysar and her (K) were cool and working together.

11:51 AM BBT – Kevin asks Kaysar if he thinks Kevin has a shot at staying. Kaysar tells him that hen thinks he is fine tonight.

11:54 AM BBT – Kaysar tells Janelle that they (Cody and his alliance) think that they can turn them into allies and no one would suspect it. He reminds Janelle that she said she wanted to work with Cody and she said she doesn’t trust him now. They agree that Tyler is really good at this game.

12:15 PM BBT – Da’Vonne is telling Keesha that it’s because she didn’t campaign. Keesha tells her that she did, but Da’Vonne is telling her that everyone is saying that she didn’t. Keesha tells her that if everyone is voting for Kevin, she doesn’t expect Da’Vonne to vote for her. Da’Vonne tells her for her game, she can’t.

12:34 PM BBT – Dani tells Cody and Enzo that Janelle said Christmas came to her and said Da’Vonne was voting to keep Keesha. Dani tells them that Da’Vonne is pissed. Cody says that is the second time her (D) name came out of Janelle’s mouth.

12:40 PM BBT – Kitty Cams

Janelle is set on the fact that Christmas said Da’Vonne was voting to keep Keesha in the house, however, Da’Vonne claims that she didn’t say that. Da’Vonne admitted to Dani that she said she would vote for Keesha only if she had enough votes to stay. Dani told Cody and Enzo that she thinks Janelle is making things up to stir up the house. I guess we will see how this plays out after the live show!

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