It was a long Sunday in the Big Brother 22 house as the houseguests continued to have bad reads on each other. Nicole A thinks Janelle and Kaysar are her enemies when they’re the only ones trying to save her. There were also some talks of new (both real and fake) alliances forming. Read on to find out about those alliances and what Nicole A plans to do to get back at Kaysar and Janelle for their imaginary betrayal.
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Big Brother 22 Live Feed Highlights โ Saturday, August 15, 2020:
11:20 AM BBT – HGs finally got their wake up call after a late, late night. The backyard is open.
11:30 AM BBT – David went up to talk with Memphis in the HOH room. Memphis says he keeps hearing ideas to BD someone but he doesn’t want to do that now.
11:30 AM BBT – Janelle tells Kaysar she’s surprised HGs don’t see how close Dani is with Franzel since those two are close friends outside the house. They both know Dani is trying to play both sides. Janelle thinks Franzel is the problem because those two will be coupled and that will keep them from working with Dani until Franzel is gone.
11:35 AM BBT – Kaysar says they have one job this week: save NicA. Both say they really like David personally but he’s a better competitor and so he needs to go over NicA. Kaysar hoped David would win and save himself. They wanted to work with him but he’s so connected to Tyler and Cody.
11:45 AM BBT – Ian gets called to gather all the HGs and perform scenes from his space opera punishment.
12:00 PM BBT – Memphis questions what’s going on with Kevin. Janelle says Kevin is a “shit talker.”
12:50 PM BBT – David tells Day and Bayleigh that he doesn’t see the noms changing on Monday. She agrees that it doesn’t make sense to change up his noms. David says he’s been approached by NicA and Kevin but Day says the three of them are their F3 core alliance.
1:00 PM BBT – Day asks Bayleigh if she wants to change alliances. Bay likes the idea of them two plus Kaysar, Janelle, Christmas, and Memphis but doesn’t see Memphis joining that because he seems to want to work with Cody. Day says she wants to talk with Kaysar and Janelle after the Veto meeting. They’re both suspicious that Dani may have actually offered Janelle a deal as Janelle claims.
1:12 PM BBT – Enzo pitches “Sneaky 7” for their mega alliance of Enzo, Cody, Da’Vonne, Tyler, Dani, Bayleigh, and David.
1:25 PM BBT – Day whispers to Enzo that if the things fall apart, she’s got him and he responds the same to her.
1:30 PM BBT – NicA wonders how to handle talking with Memphis to secure her safety. Kevin warns her against making any promises.
1:40 PM BBT – Memphis tells Cody he (C) should be okay with Janelle if he puts in the efforts. Memphis says she’s unlikely to nom Cody. Cody mentions he would consider BD’ing Kaysar. Memphis says he has good communication with Kaysar and Janelle and they should be okay.
1:45 PM BBT – Ian tells David he’s leaning toward wanting David to stay.
1:53 PM BBT – Nicole A asks Janelle if she’s heard anything. She says not really, but she thinks David is Memphis’ target. Janelle tells her that Kaysar is trying to gather votes for her to stay. Janelle says she just can’t push Memphis to use the veto because he could end up putting her on the block.
2:05 PM BBT Nicole F is worried Janelle is going to push Memphis to put her on the block. She asks Day if she goes up will she have her vote. Day says 100 percent. Day tells Nicole he heard she’s with Dani and Cody and asks if it’s true. Nicole says no. Day says if that’s a thing she wants in.
2:08 PM BBT – Day asks why Janelle is out to get Nicole F. She says she thinks it’s because Rachel Reilly doesn’t like her so now Janelle doesn’t. Nicole says Rachel and Janelle made up a rumor that she (NF) cried to producers to get on this season.
2:10 PM BBT – Nicole F and Day agree if nominations stay the same they want David to stay.
2:18 PM BBT – Nicole A tells Kevin that she prays she stays because if she does and wins HOH, she’s putting up Kaysar and Janelle.
2:25 PM BBT – Kevin keeps feeding Nicole A’s bad read on Janelle. He tells her that Janelle clearly offered her up as a sacrifice this week.
4:12 PM BBT – Christmas and Dani talk about whether or not Memphis knows what an alliance is. Dani says he just wants numbers to keep himself safe.
4:25 PM BBT – Tyler and Dani agree that keeping David is better for them.
4:55 PM BBT – Nicole A and Janelle talking about votes. Nicole A says she thinks she has Kevin’s vote. Janelle tells her to work on Enzo’s vote.
5:06 PM BBT – Dani tells Cody that Christmas is playing too hard and that she’s really worried about what’s going to happen Thursday.
5:12 PM BBT – Cody and Dani talking about Day and Tyler. Dani thinks Day is testing them all by mentioning alliances. Cody thinks Tyler is lost because he was the mastermind his season and this season he’s laying low. Dani says she knows Tyler lied to her.
6:35 PM BBT – Nicole A tells David she’s going to call out Kaysar and Janelle if she’s leaving on Thursday.
7:05 PM BBT – Day asks Dani if she thinks Memphis is using the veto. Dani says no way. Day says that Nicole F’s name was going around as a renom only if someone won and took themselves off the block.
7:23 PM BBT – Janelle lets Day know that Dani came to her for an alliance with her, ย Janelle, Tyler, Cody, and Nicole F (it was a fake alliance, but still). Day says people are telling her that Janelle and Cody are working together. Janelle is shocked at that and asks who said it. Day won’t say.
7:27 PM BBT – Day and Janelle talk about them working with Bayleigh and Kaysar as a solid alliance. Day says if they can pull it together she is in.
9:10 PM BBT – Dani warns Franzel that Kaysar and Janelle are lying all the time and she is trying to get NicA to cause a scene and call them out.
10:15 PM BBT – NicA becomes overwhelmed with emotion and Day tries to help talk her through it. NicA regrets coming back and doesn’t think she can play the game.
11:35 PM BBT – Janelle discusses the votes with Kaysar. She says Day will not vote David out because of what happened last year and while she understands Day’s reasons she says that’s not game related. She wishes Memphis would BD Kevin but knows he won’t do that.
11:55 PM BBT – Janelle pulls Ian upstairs to talk game. Ian explains that Franzel is his number one like Kaysar is to Janelle. She wants to work with him but he doesn’t see that as an option and warns her against targeting either him or Franzel.
12:05 AM BBT – Ian sees the small groups of pairs around the house but isn’t sure there is anything bigger. Janelle tells him about the group of six. Ian is surprised and admits he doesn’t get any info. She points out that Tyler, Cody, and Enzo are a trio too.
12:10 AM BBT – Janelle asks Ian to keep an open mind when he hears the pitches from both NicA and David then consider why the big group wants to keep David.
12:30 AM BBT – Kaysar is feeling discouraged that they won’t have the votes to get out their targets like Cody. Janelle is telling them they can do it.
12:40 AM BBT – David tells Day that he talked with NicA and warned her he had the votes to stay so she wasn’t blindsided.
12:50 AM BBT – Dani, Cody, Franzel, and Christmas are meeting. Dani says Janelle is being cruel to NicA. Cody doesn’t think noms will change. Franzel is frustrated with all the lies.
1:00 AM BBT – Dani believes Janelle is trying to keep NicA because she hasn’t seen her talking to David.
1:05 AM BBT – Kevin notes that NicA only lasted a few seconds in the Veto comp.
1:20 AM BBT – Da’Vonne talks with Kaysar about not being able to vote out David. She doesn’t think David is working with anyone else but her and Bayleigh. Day tells Kaysar that David really likes him so it’s strange that Kaysar wants him gone. He promises Day it’s nothing personal but warns her that Cody has David.
1:30 AM BBT – Kaysar asks Day not to say anything to Dani about their conversation.
1:30 AM BBT – Janelle has been talking with NicA and says she’s working on the votes. Janelle thinks she can get Christmas and Bay to vote to keep NicA but Bay is uncertain. Janelle promises she’s trying to help her stay.
2:10 AM BBT – Christmas tells Franzel she is determined to get Memphis to name their alliance and will corner him in the morning about it.
2:15 AM BBT – David is giving NicA a little peptalk in the hammock.
2:25 AM BBT – Kevin takes a turn talking with NicA and she mentions how surprised Janelle was when she learned that NicA didn’t have the votes to stay.
2:35 AM BBT – Janelle and Kaysar discuss David playing the game emotionally and being attached to the other side of the house so they need to get him out over NicA.
3:50 AM BBT – NicA is still awake and camtalking about the day. She admits her game play hasn’t been strong.
4:15 AM BBT – HGs are asleep except for Ian who was called to do his space opera scenes.
More of the same on Sunday even as the game ran late into the night. Janelle is pushing to save NicA but lacks the votes and seemingly even NicA’s confidence that Janelle is trying to help her. The votes don’t seem to be there for NicA but we’ve got a few more days to go before Thursday’s eviction.
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