The suspense is building on Big Brother 22 this week! Who will be going home tonight, Da’Vonne or Kevin? It’s a total mystery!
Just kidding. Like every other eviction this season, there’s absolutely no suspense, and no possibility of a flip. No matter what the show editing suggests, every single eviction has been decided as soon as nominations were made either at the initial nomination ceremony or the veto ceremony.
So if you haven’t been paying attention to this week, let me fill you in. The target is Da’Vonne. Memphis thought he would pawn her and Kevin to backdoor David, but after about 3 minutes of taking to Tyler realized that was a terrible idea. So the target was shifted to Da’Vonne. And she will be evicted tonight unanimously, I can confidently predict. That is unless someone gets bored again and throws a hinky vote to try to frame David or Dani or something. I say Dani because her alliance is starting to paint the target on her back since they’ve almost gotten rid of all the outsiders.
Dani and Nicole would prefer for Da’Vonne to stay, but Cody is the boss, and he wants Da’Vonne gone. And so does Tyler and Christmas, so Dani and Nicole are outnumbered, which should have them pretty nervous considering all the targets outside their alliance are almost all gone.
It looks like you guys also realize there’s no suspense this week because you too have predicted Da’Vonne will be the one walking out the door tonight. Based on our eviction poll results, 90 precent think it’s Da’Vonne heading home tonight. That might be the highest average yet. And that’s likely because we’ve all come to realize that a vote is never going to flip in a season as predictable and arguably boring as this one.
Do you think Da’Vonne stands a chance? Will there be a last minute vote flip or will she join Ian in the jury house tonight?