There hasn’t been much suspense this season as far as who has been leaving the Big Brother 22 house, and this week is no different. It doesn’t take a psychic to know that Kaysar is heading out the door tonight.
So that’s our official prediction: Kaysar is leaving tonight.
Kaysar knew that more than anyone. He knew after he lost the veto and Enzo named Christmas as the replacement pawn against him. He didn’t even bother campaigning that much because he knew it just wasn’t going to matter. Modern Big Brother works under a mob mentality, and there’s no budging once that starts. They form a dominant group and they single out one or two people until they’re gone, then move onto the next (good luck Da’Vonne and Bayleigh, because after tonight, you’re next).
It would have been exciting to see some kind of power shit mid-week, so that Kaysar could stay and Christmas would regret volunteering to be a pawn. If someone in the BB house feels so comfortable they volunteer to go up on the block, then they deserve a house to flip on them. But that rarely happens anymore. Classic Big Brother, we miss you!
Basically, the only thing we can wonder about tonight is if someone is going to throw another rogue vote. I don’t see that happening since it really didn’t pay off much for Dani last week. In fact, it got her in more trouble than anything. Her alliance is onto her, so she probably won’t be throwing any rogue votes tonight.
It looks like you, the reader, also agrees that Kaysar will once again not make jury. Based on our poll, more than 86 percent of you have said that Kaysar is out the door tonight. There was some wishful thinking from 13 precent of you, though.
Do you think Kaysar will be evicted from the Big Brother All-Stars house tonight?