‘Big Brother 21’ Spoilers: Week 2 Veto Ceremony Results

Big Brother Veto medallion back in the box

This week’s Power of Veto meeting was held today in the Big Brother 21 house as the latest Veto winner had to decide whether or not to change up the nominations and force a new decision from the Head of Household. The results are in and we have this week’s final nominees.

Despite a strong play in the past two days by one of the nominees the plan was set and the holder seemed too afraid to rock the boat and challenge the HOH on this week’s plans for eviction.

Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Week 2

  • Sam decided to NOT use the Veto
  • Jess & Kemi are this week’s final noms

Right now Kemi is in a bad spot despite playing the better nominee game this week. Jessica is freaking out and causing waves and blaming others while Kemi is keeping a cool head and campaigning instead of blaming. Kemi made some strong arguments to Sam last night about how her staying would be better for his game than if Jess stayed and won HOH since she’d target his allies. It was a good argument but Sam was too worried about what would happen to him if he made the move to save Kemi. Don’t worry though, Sam, your allies are already plotting your demise once Camp Comeback is over. Oops.

We’ll need some big shifts in the next few days to keep Kemi from being voted out, but if anyone can talk her way into eviction then it’d be Jessica from what she’s shown us so far this week.

Who do you think will be the next Houseguest evicted? Vote now in our poll below.

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