Here we go again… another season of Big Brother means two things, hours of time wasted watching strangers screwing each other over for a half a million dollars & the annual Bacon / Tofu rankings on Big Brother Network.
Once again – the preseason rumors of All-Stars or half returnees & half newbies were quickly squashed once the new cast was announced. For the 2nd season in a row – we are blessed to have 16 brand new players. The first thing I noticed about this crew was the amount of East Coast players – probably the most in the history of the show. The 2nd thing I noticed was how good looking this cast is too – so chances for multiple showmances again are highly probable.
Without further ado – let’s get it going and see how I think everyone will do this season (going in alphabetical order)
Analyse Talvera – 2 strips of Bacon – at first, I was afraid she was going to be all beauty and no brains. But after seeing & reading her preseason interviews, I see a lot of potential for her to cause, be in the middle of, and escalate a lot of drama. She will have a hard time biting her tongue, but I also feel like she will use this to her advantage. Analyse will get into a tight friendship with at least 1 other girl and a couple of guys. This will help protect her when she needs it, but will also be able to win a few comps. Lock for jury – probable top 6.
Christie Murphy – 2 strips of Tofu – despite the feeds leak that may or may not have proven she won the first HoH – I have the feeling that she would overplay herself early. we have seen other “spiritual” players in the past – but she will not be able to control her mouth and will end up pissing off many people early and often. Look for her to go home in the first couple of weeks.
Cliff Hogg – 3 strips of Tofu – we used to have the trend of “the hot girl” go home 2nd – and now we have the trend of “the old guy” going home first. It’s easy since most of the cast is usually 15-20 years younger than the old guy – so hard for them to fit in early. Cliff may be able to shake that – but even if he makes it past week 1 – I do not see him going far or having the ability to tun his game on when he needs to. He thinks he will – and may have been through a lot of scary moments in his life, but nothing will be as scary as trying to campaign for votes to stay in the house. If he somehow manages to make it until jury – he will be one of the first ones out once the jury is set.
David Alexander – 4 strips of Tofu – if ever there was a proverbial deer in headlights – it will be David this season. He has no idea what he got himself into by joining the cast of Big Brother. No way he is a leader of any alliance or the mastermind of any grand scheme. He will need to get into an alliance as a loyal soldier to have any chance of getting far in the game – but think he’ll end up being an expendable player gone before jury.
Holly Allen – 1 strip of Tofu – as I mentioned in the opening, there will be multiple showmances, and Holly will be in one of them. She will try to use her smile and charm to win over other people – but I see her getting close to one guy, and end up making them a target. Likely to get nominated with her showmance early and out the door before jury.
Isabella Wang – 1 strip of Bacon – I get the feeling that Isabella will have a pretty keen BS meter and will not fall for people lying to her. She will hold onto information without divulging it at the wrong time. This will be good enough to get her deep into the game and will make it to jury. But once the numbers dwindle she won’t be able to hide and the rest of them will catch on to her. Just outside top 6 – and will go out in a blaze of glory!
Jack Matthews – 3 strips of Bacon – unlike most recruits – Jack will not overplay early. He is built like a comic book hero and despite how hard he will try not to – will end up in a showmance. His downfall will be too trusting of people and that will force him to win challenges to keep himself safe. Good thing for him, he will win them, and even if he is evicted early – will win his way back into the house. I see him in the Top 6 – and a good shot at Final 4.
Jackson Michie – 1 strip of Tofu – behind his chiseled features – is a well-spoken polite southern boy. Have a feeling the showmance he will end up in will be with Holly – and that spells doom for his game. He will fight for her (or whichever showmance partner he gets involved with) more than he will fight for himself and will also be an early boot.
Jessica Milagros – 4 strips of Bacon – in her everyday life – I see her as the party starter/center of attention (in a good way). She has a fun vibe that will not always be able to come out inside the pressure cooker that is the Big Brother house. But Jessica will as some much needed comic relief. As the only mother in the house – people will naturally turn to her to vent and she will give them some good advice. This will translate into getting her very far in the game. She will need to win a couple of comps near the end to get to the final 2 chairs but will fall just short. Final 4 material – but won’t bring home the win.
Kathryn Dunn – 5 strips of Tofu – this is hard for me to do – because Kathryn tried to become a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader (HOW BOUT DEM COWBOYS!?!?!) – but in her bio/interviews she came off as fake as some of her parts. Its no wonder that (if the feeds link was legit) – she is already being targeted. As a pretty girl used to getting her way, when things don’t go her way – she probably turns into a mega….. The Big Brother house has the ability to break some people, she will be broken early and out the door soon.
Kemi Faknule – 1 strip of Bacon – I am still not sure what we will get out of Kemi – but one thing is for sure – she will bring some fireworks to the show/feeds. She will have a hard time pretending to like people and we will see some great DR sessions from her. I want Kemi to keep herself in check because she has all the signs of being one of the stars of the season. She should make it to jury – but not sure if she can get to final 6 without finally going off on someone.
Nick Maccarone – 2 strips of Tofu – really wanted to like him as he’s from Jersey yo! Unfortunately – he does not seem as authentic. He reminds me of Matt Dillon’s character in Something About Mary – he will try to lie but will go too far and get figured out early. He’ll be able to squeak by a couple of weeks and should make it to become an early jury evictee – but only because other people will overplay more than him.
Nicole Anthony – 3 strips of Bacon – if you put BB14 Ian & put him in a blender with BB16 Christine – the end result would be a mess and double manslaughter charge. OR you would get Nicole. So quirky and nerdy – but no one will see she is a silent assassin. She may have the ability to manipulate people without them even knowing it. The girls will not be intimidated by her, so they will trust her, the guys will overlook her as there is plenty of eye candy that they will fall over each other trying to get to. This will be great for her to get to top 6 – and depending on how the comps play out – she could get to Final 4.
Ovi Kabir – 4 strips of Tofu – let’s face it – by the time you got to this – you forgot he was even on the cast. Oh right – Ovi – yeah… wait – who??? Sure he’s been studying the game for years – and has seen every mistake other players have made before him. He will not want to make the big mistake – so that will play out as being afraid to make a big move if given the opportunity. An easy keep deep into the game as someone who others will want to drag to the end. I see him being a Final 3 or 4 – but not because he earned his way there.
Sam Smith – 2 strips of Bacon – along with Cliff & Jessica – Sam is the only other parent on the cast. When times get tough – he will be able to serenade the HGs with his amazing singing voice… wait, that’s the OTHER Sam Smith. This Sam Smith will be able to get people on his side with his natural charm and this will help him go far in the game. He is not too likely to get into any drama – but players will worry that he may be too liked by the jury. I see him getting blindsided down the stretch, probably during a double eviction and tears will be shed after he walks out the door.
Tommy Bracco – 1 strip of Bacon/1 strip of Tofu – we all know there is a previous connection to Christie – so a lot will depend on the rest of the HGs not finding that out. His whole game will be based on that nugget of info being kept a secret or not. I really hate to do this – but I see a very similar game to another HG that came to us from Broadway that also tried to keep a secret all season. If that secret is kept and he can hold himself back from being (as the kids say) “EXTRA” he can go very far. Remember – loose lips sink ships in the BB House. With all of that said – I say he either gets to top 5 – or out in the first 2-3 weeks.
Strap in folks – we are in for a bumpy ride. As the season’s big twist(s) has/have yet to be revealed – all of this could change. We know there is 1 confirmed previous connection in the house. Could there be more that have been better hidden? I don’t know – and I don’t care – all I care about is BIG BROTHER IS BACK!!!!!
Let me know what you think of my preseason rankings in the comments below – and my Question of the week is – who do you think will win BB21?
Follow me on Twitter: @heavymetalteddy & come back to Big Brother Network every week to see my rankings throughout the season.
From outside the Big Brother House – I’m Adam Poch – have a great day!