Last night on Big Brother 21 we watched as Tommy went on to win the HOH, it’s been really hard for the HGs to figure out what Tommy is going to do. He has only told a couple of people what he is thinking about doing this week and he might not be nominating who you think he is. Read on to find out who Tommy is planning to target and who will be sitting next to them on the block.
It looks like Tommy plans to make a move he thinks is best for his game and no one else’s. He has already told Analyse, Jackson, and Holly that they will not be seeing the block this week. Tommy knows that if Jackson is used even as a pawn, he will be voted out and he has mentioned that he doesn’t want to put any of his former alliance members up. This is one of those situations where we kind of have to wait and see what happens because we all know that Christie wants Jackson out and Tommy is her closest ally.
With America’s Field Trip in play this week, three HGs will compete. One will win safety, one will get a punishment, and one will become a third nominee. This could really throw a wrench into Tommy’s nomination plans. As of right now, Tommy is looking to nominate Kat and Cliff with Kat as his target because she is in the middle of two alliances inside the house. What happens if they both play in America’s Field Trip and one wins safety and the other becomes an automatic nominee? Then Tommy has to come up with two more nominee choices. I think if that should happen, Tommy would probably lean towards Jessica and possibly Nicole as a backup.
What do you think Tommy should do? Do you think that either of these scenarios are best for Tommy’s game?
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