Big Brother 21 Live Feeds: Possible Wall Shouter Shuts Down Live Feeds

For nearly as long as there’s been Big Brother there have been fans trying to get messages to the Houseguests inside the walls and with that can come downtime for the Feeds. A popular, recent way people do this is by shouting things over the wall using a bullhorn. It has been speculated that this is the reason the Big Brother 21 Live Feeds were down for just over an hour last night.

While the feeds were down, there was a tweet circulating that claimed there was something blasted over a loudspeaker outside the house and that’s what caused the blackout. In this tweet, there was an audio clip attached of someone outing the fact that Christie and Tommy know each other. This included an audio clip of Christie’s DR session from premiere night that said her and Tommy knowing each other could be an amazing thing for her game or it could blow up in their faces.

Here is the tweet with the audio clip shared by EvelDick on Twitter:


We don’t know if this is really what shut down the feeds, however, after the feeds came back up, the house was unusually quiet and it seemed a little awkward between the HGs who were sitting around the kitchen table. A little later at about 10:10 PM BBT (cams 1 and 2) Holly asks Jackson, “do you know what the thing said?” However, before Jackson could answer, the feeds cut.

This morning, there was a transcript that was posted from the person who claimed he hired a DJ to broadcast a message over the wall. The message was:

Christie and Tommy have been close friends for more than twelve years. Christie dated Tommy’s aunt for more than 7 years. Christie and Tommy operated a business together for more than three years. Big Brother fans for fairness.

The following was in Christie’s voice. From a clip from episode 1: Tommy being in this house could be an amazing thing for my game, or it could be a horrible thing, and blow up in our faces, if anyone finds out that we know each other.

You can find a screenshot of this transcript here!

This morning on the live feeds, Cliff was up cam talking and said that something unsettling happened last night, but he isn’t going to talk about it in any detail. He adds that it didn’t work the way someone intended it to and that it wouldn’t have an effect on any of them.

What do you think? Do you think that this is all evidence that there was a wall shouter trying to out Christie and Tommy’s friendship?

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