Big Brother 21 Live Feeds: Jess Makes Her Pitch But Will Nicole Turn On Cliff?

Nicole Anthony on BB21

We’re getting down to the wire here in Week 10 of Big Brother 21 as Jessica and Cliff face off for the votes with just four decision-makers set to decide who heads to Jury next. Time to step up the pressure if Jessica wants to stick around at least another round.

Flashback on your Live Feeds to 6:20 PM BBT Cams 1/2 on 9/3 (get your Free Trial) to find Jessica and Nicole playing checkers (Jackson would be none too pleased with this). Jess is working everything she can with Nicole. Watch for Cliff to wander in and out of the area as he tries to break up the talk.

Jess is angling that Jackson and Holly have to be the targets and none of the other HGs have put each other up so they’ll all be on the same side. She points out to Nicole that Cliff definitely seems to be working with Jackson. Now Nicole knows this because Nicole is also in a foursome with Cliff plus Jackson and Holly.

Jess worries Cliff could even throw this next HOH to Holly which would put them back in this same position as they are right now. She suggests to Nicole that if Jess is going out the door then Holly would use Nicole to go up against Christie with Jess not around to be the pawn.

We also heard from Jess that she considered her (N) to be her number one. Ehh, that’s stretching it and Nicole knows it. Later Nicole does some camtalking (Flashback to 8:54PM) and tells us that she fears keeping Jess would upset four HGs versus keeping Cliff would only upset two others. Even those two, Christie and Tommy, already know she’s close with Cliff so they won’t be surprised by her voting out Jess.

Jess’s attempts to show how close they’ve always been does not ring true with Nicole. Nicole counters what Jess said about never questioning her trust but she knows Jess did that. She reminds us how just a few days ago Jess cried and said she didn’t trust Nicole.

This just isn’t Jess’s game. I don’t know how after everything else we’ve seen from Jess that she was able to pull off the most perfect HOH week when she won HOH and Veto to send Jack and Jackson to the Block then Jack out the door. It was like a moment of clarity in the season for her and then things have faded back over.

By the end of the night and after Christie & Tommy’s similar efforts to sway Nicole there still isn’t any movement. Counting up the votes in Week 10, Nicole looks committed to sending out Jess and keeping Cliff.

But don’t forget, that’s just round one of Thursday’s Double Eviction event! Buckle up, fans!



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