It was nomination day in the Big Brother 21 house, and it was a bit of deja vu as Jack and Jackson found themselves on the block together again. Will those nominations hold this time or will Christie’s power disrupt the plans once again? Read on to find out the target and if Christie has any plans to use that power as it expires this week.
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Big Brother 21 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, August 2, 2019:
4:15 PM BBT – Feeds have returned from the nomination ceremony. Jessica nominated Jackson and Jack.
4:17 PM BBT – Christie says everyone knows Jack isn’t going home right? Tommy, Sis and Nick says yes. Christie says that Jackson is the most disrespectful and will not be winning the veto. She says he is 100 percent going home.
4:19 PM BBT – Kat and Jessica agree that they don’t want Jackson to go over Jack. Kat says she can tell Jack is pissed at the nominations because he was slamming the refrigerator doors.
4:24 PM BBT – Christie and Tommy think that Holly wouldn’t use the veto on Jackson. Nick tells them he thinks she would.
4:27 PM BBT – Christie says she doesn’t want to use her power and doesn’t plan on but would only use it if she won the veto because she doesn’t trust anyone else to make the nomination. Talk turns to votes and Christie says if Kat keeps Jackson after her speech Thursday night that would be an embarrassment. Nick says he does’t think she would keep Jackson.
4:33 PM BBT – Christie things Jackson is so defeated he doesn’t even care if he stays anymore.
4:45 PM BBT – Jessica tells Kat and Holly that she believes Christie when she says she won’t use her power this week. Kat says she’s afraid Jack will convince Christie to use it. Jessica says Christie using her power would make her an automatic target and that would be a bad move for Christie.
4:48 PM BBT – Jessica says if she is only HOH one time in her life, she’s not going to play it safe and risk getting rid of a pawn.
4:40 PM BBT – Jessica tells Holly and Kat that she wants a girl to win. She says they are 6-5 girls right now and if they get a guy out this week it’ll be 6-4.
5:00 PM BBT – Christie tells Jack not to worry because they have five votes to keep him regardless of what Holly does.
5:22 PM BBT – Christie lets Tommy know that she does worry sometimes about how close Tommy and Jack are. Tommy tells her not to. He says he’s been hanging out with Jack more because Holly made a comment that the two of them (Tommy and Christie) are basically seen as a strong duo like the other two.
5:38 PM BBT – Sis says she feels bad for Jackson because he’s isolated himself and no one is talking to him.
6:00 PM BBT – Jessica, Nicole, Kat and Cliff all agree that Jack is the one that needs to go this week and not Jackson.
6:52 PM BBT – HGs eating dinner. Everyone is pretty quiet.
7:30 PM BBT – Nick goes to talk to Jackson since he’s been in the Have-Not room all day. Jackson tells him he’s not hiding or pouting, he’s just not interested in being fake and wasting his energy on people that don’t deserve it. He says he’s not about to suck up to Christie just because she runs the house with her obnoxious attitude. Jackson says he can’t even listen to Christie’s voice anymore and he’s lost all respect for Jack. He says he’s indifferent to Tommy and Sis. Nick tells Jackson it’s not over. Jackson said he knows and he’s not quitting but he has nothing to say to them at the moment.
7:40 PM BBT – Jessica tells Christie she really doesn’t want to have to put anyone else up. Christie says no one is going to use the veto because they know one of them will have to go up as a replacement nominee.
7:45 PM BBT – Christie says that she just doesn’t like Jackson as a person. She says he’s dirty and talks down to people. She says he throws away people’s cookie dough and makes rogue votes to pin on others. She says he’s a dirty player.
7:57 PM BBT – Christie still going in on Jackson. She says she does not have sympathy for him and doesn’t care what he’s dealing with on the outside. She says everyone is tiptoeing around Jackson because of the stuff he is dealing with. Feeds cut (furthering her point).
8:02 PM BBT – Tommy and Christie agree that Jackson is the villain of the season.
8:17 PM BBT – Jack tells Nick and Sis that if Christie was down and he won veto he could use Christie’s power to put up Cliff. Nick and Sis say Christie has already said she doesn’t want to use her power. Jack says only because she’s been playing both sides. Nick says exactly.
8:33 PM BBT – Holly and Tommy know that if one of them uses the veto one of their other allies would just go up.
8:35 PM BBT – Holly tells Tommy she’s mad at them for not trusting her and respecting her HOH. She says she’s trying to not be as mad as she thinks she should actually be. Tommy tells her he did try to come to her and everything just happened to fast.
8:45 PM BBT – Jessica and Cliff agree they’re not going to let anyone know that Jackson isn’t the main target this week. Jessica says she wants Jack to feel as safe as possible so no one uses the veto.
9:05 PM BBT – Jessica says she feels confident Christie won’t use her power and she also thinks Holly will vote out Jackson.
9:30 PM BBT – Holly and Kat tell Jess how Jack suspected early on that Kat and Holly knew each other.
10:15 PM BBT – Christie explains to Jack that Jess feels he acts like he knows best for the house. She suggests he cool it and be humble for a few days. Jack isn’t pleased. Christie reminds him that Jess could have to break a tie.
10:35 PM BBT – Cliff is anxious to get Jack out. He wants to see what Tommy does without his shield in the game.
10:40 PM BBT – Holly explains to Nick how she felt pressured by Christie during her HOH. They agree the Six is no more and Holly will have to pick a new side.
10:40 PM BBT – Kat promises Jess she won’t flip on this vote and will make sure Jack goes. Kat suggests Tommy as a renom if Jack wins the Veto. Kat wants payback for him pushing the vote flip on Thursday.
10:45 PM BBT – Kat expects Jackson would target Christie and Tommy if he stays instead of coming after them so they should be good.
11:00 PM BBT – Holly encourages Jackson to put on his game face and go back up with Jack for the game. She explains how Nick says he’ll work with them and she thinks he’s being truthful.
11:05 PM BBT – Jackson declares to Holly he won’t use the Veto on himself if he wins it. He wants to be sitting next to Jack when he (Jack) gets evicted.
11:10 PM BBT – Christie complains to Tommy that the vote flip was a bad idea and they shouldn’t have done it. Tommy suggests she could have told them that yesterday. She says they didn’t ask and just went ahead so she went with it. Christie says that Jack being on the Block has nothing to do with her.
11:15 PM BBT – Christie tells Tommy if she starts to see that it could be Jack going and one of them has the Veto then she’s going to tell Jess that she can’t let Jackson stay. In that case, she’ll use her power that she swore she wouldn’t use. Nicole would be Christie’s renom.
11:20 PM BBT – Holly relays to Nick Jackson’s foolish plan to keep himself on the Block. Holly says they’ll wait and see if he wins the Veto before they have to talk him off that idea.
11:30 PM BBT – Kat explains to Holly they’ll be able to blindside the others and evict Jack as long as they keep Christie from finding out about that plan. Kat says Jackson’s plan to stay on the Block even with the Veto would work.
11:35 PM BBT – Christie is telling Nick she trusts him more than others in the Six.
11:45 PM BBT – Nick tells Christie he can win the Veto and leave the Noms as they are and Jack would be safe. Christie agrees and says keep the Noms as they are.
12:35 AM BBT – Tommy is frustrated and tells Jack and Sis that Christie came to them yesterday and was told everything about the flip but today is acting as though she had no idea and wasn’t involved. Jack agrees that Christie knew and was involved.
12:40 AM BBT – Jess tells Kat that there aren’t two sides in the house, there was the Six and then everyone else. Kat worries if she votes against Tommy and Christie they’ll put a target on her.
12:50 AM BBT – Jess declares there’s no money in the Veto comp that would tempt her not to take the Veto instead.
1:10 AM BBT – Jack says he’ll pick Tommy or Nick if he gets HG choice in the draw.
1:45 AM BBT – Tommy thinks Cliff is acting up his age and is more capable than he suggests. He notes how well Cliff did in the sheep Veto comp and then walks slowly around the house.
2:30 AM BBT – HGs are sleeping.
Big day ahead on Saturday and these HGs are all working on their plans. Jess and company want to keep the noms as they are and we’ll see how that comp goes before we have a better idea if it means Christie will be using her power which she’s already promised to let expire. This will be a fun round for Feeds and drama so stick close.
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