Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Week 5: Monday Night Highlights

It was a relatively quiet night in the Big Brother 21 house as tensions boiled below the surface. Analyse is annoyed with Kathryn and Kathryn is annoyed with Analyse. Meanwhile, Sam continued to plot the rest of his week of campaigning, which includes getting Kathryn to spiral out of control and would end with throwing Christie under the bus during his eviction speech.

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Big Brother 21 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Friday, July 26, 2019:

3:10 PM BBT – Nick tells Kathryn that he doesn’t see any way that she doesn’t make it past this week. He says the vote to evict Sam should be unanimous.

3:15 PM BBT – Analyse talks about how annoyed she is with Kathryn and thinks she has a crush on Jack.

3:30 PM BBT – Talks have moved on to what to do next week. Christie asks who they should put up next and Analyse says Nick and Nicole. Christie says yeah Nick needs to go next, but Analyse says she thinks Nicole should go first. Christie says she doesn’t think Nicole can win any competitions though. Jack brings up the what if one of them wins veto and Christie says Kathryn can just be a pawn again.

3:40 PM BBT – The six is wondering if they can really trust Nick after Sam goes. Jackson says they kind of have to at this point.

3:46 PM BBT – Sam tells Nick that he plans to blow up Christie’s game in his eviction speech.

3:48 PM BBT – Tommy and Jack say Nick has told them he wants to win HOH so he can prove his loyalty to them. Holly says yeah but Nick has been telling a lot of things to a lot of people. Christie says Nick can’t not tell lies.

4:09 PM BBT – Analyse tells Jack she wants to go off on Kathryn. Jack tells her to be careful about talking about Kat around certain people, like Christie.

4:30 PM BBT – Holly and Jackson discuss Analyse and how she’s always mad at everyone and everything.

7:12 PM BBT – Kathryn, Holly and Jackson discuss Analyse. Kat says she’s worried Analyse knows he’s been talking about her because she’s been bitchy to her today. Holly says she’s always like that. Jackson and Holly think it’s too early for Analyse to be causing trouble among her alliance. They decide Analyse only cares about getting close to Christie because she knows Christie has pull.

7:51 PM BBT – Sam tells Nicole and Cliff not to feel safe with that other group in the house. He says he thinks the pecking order would be Nick then her and Cliff after that. Nicole says she thinks she’s next but Sam says it’ll be Nick. Cliff thinks Nick could work his way back in with them, though.

7:59 PM BBT – Kathryn tells Christie to be careful what she tells to Analyse because she is telling everyone everything she says. Christie says she knows she has to stop saying so much to people. She says that’s been one of her flaws.

8:01 PM BBT – Sam says he wants to have a total shocker in his eviction speech, one that will blindside Christie. He tells Cliff and Nicole they have to go after the couples in the game because they’re running everything. He says he wants to put a giant target on Christie.

8:09 PM BBT – Sam tells Nicole that right now his main plan is to what he can to make Kathryn spiral so she gets paranoid and gets herself voted out. He says that’s his only chance to stay this week. Nicole tells him she wishes he could expose Christie sooner than his eviction speech. He says he would but he doesn’t think anyone would buy it and it would just be wasted energy.

9:00 PM BBT – HGs hanging out in two different groups, some inside (with Tommy and Christie who aren’t allowed outside) and some outside. General chit-chat going on.

10:10 PM BBT – Cliff talks with Jess about them trying to pair up with members of the Shooters. They worry Nick will try to get back in with the Shooters.

10:20 PM BBT – HGs are lounging. Jackson says he isn’t feeling well.

10:30 PM BBT – Kat explains to Jess how Sis was pushing for Holly to renom Nicole so Sam could stay then Sis tried to make it look to Christie as though that was Holly’s idea.

11:20 PM BBT – Jackson has been vomiting. Nick suspects it was the tuna yesterday because he was ill from it yesterday too. Jess says Jack had the fish again this morning and for lunch. She says he had to see the doctor.

12:20 AM BBT – Nick and Kat guess when Zingbot will come visit. He thinks it might be just two weeks away as they anticipate a DE soon.

1:20 AM BBT – Nick tells Christie he’s there to protect her. Christie says she needs to speak less. Nick wants to get back into the alliance.

1:50 AM BBT – Nick, Kat, and Christie ponder Ovi’s power and figure it must have been about noms or he would have used it otherwise.

2:00 AM BBT – Christie and Nick think it must be pretty boring so a twist should be coming soon.

2:40 AM BBT – Last of the HGs are off to bed.

Sam isn’t going without a fight, but for now it looks like he’s still going either way. He’s going to work it though and maybe we’ll see a few explosions over Christie’s game being outed along the way. Fingers crossed for some Feed Funs!

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