Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Week 3: Friday Night Highlights

It was Whacktivity Comp and nomination day in the Big Brother 21 house, but the real drama came after both of those events. And once again Bella was at the root of the drama. Read on to find out who was on the receiving end this time and get the details about the Whacktivity Comp winner.

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Big Brother 21 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, July 12, 2019:

4:11 PM BBT – Sam tells Nick that the can’t tell Jessica she is a pawn. He says they have to make sure she’s scared enough to use the power they think she just won.

4:16 PM BBT -Nick and Christie both still claiming they didn’t win the Whacktivity Comp. Christie said she could’t get her hands in there with all the cockroaches.

4:22 PM BBT – Analyse also says she didn’t win the power and is pretty sure Jessica did because she keeps changing her story on how she did in the comp.

4:45 PM BBT – Jessica tells Kat she does not have the power and she’d be honest with her if she did.

5:09 PM BBT – Christie tells Tommy that she won the comp and that the prize is the Diamond Power of Veto. They celebrate. Christie says she can activate the power anonymously one time during the next four veto ceremonies.

5:20 PM BBT – Nick is warning Jessica that she or Kat will have to go up next to Cliff this week but says Cliff is the target.

5:30 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the nomination ceremony.

6:34 PM BBT – Feeds return. Nick nominated Cliff and Jessica.

6:35 PM BBT – Tommy tells Bella, Nick, and Sam that people found out about them wanting to flip the vote because Nicole told them. Nick says they weren’t really trying to flip the vote. Tommy says that’s why Kemi’s speech didn’t matter because they already thought Bella and Nick were defecting.

6:38 PM BBT – Sam tells Bella and Nick that people are talking about them saying too much.

6:39 PM BBT – Christie, Analyse, Holly, Jackson come in. Bella starts telling them that Nicole said that she had a talk with the girls and they said Nick and Bella were bullying her. Bella said Nicole says Analyse used the word bullying. Analyse flips out and overreacts and wants to go get Nicole.

6:43 PM BBT – Christie says that Nicole said Bella and Nick plays to her insecurities.

6:46 PM BBT – Nicole goes to the HOH room and Jackson won’t let her in and tells her “now is not the time.”

6:48 PM BBT – Nicole tells Kemi, Jessica, and Cliff that Jackson wouldn’t let her in the HOH room. She says “have the balls to let me in the room.”

6:52 PM BBT – Nicole said if what she told Bella blows up on her she’s going to be mad because she’s done nothing but tell the truth.

6:56 PM BBT – Ovi goes to the HOH room and yells in there that them not letting people in is not cool. Cliff tells Ovi to be careful and protect his game. Ovi says it’s just not cool for them to be acting like some angry mob and not letting people in the room.

7:18 PM BBT – Ovi ask Jack if everything is OK. Jack is acting like kind of nasty and says yeah everything is fine. Nicole comes in and asks if she’s going to find out what everyone was just talking about upstairs and he says “you might, I gotta go make food.”

7:25 PM BBT – David tells Ovi he has to keep hold of his emotions and not let the others get to him. He says that’s the only way you can win this game.

7:29 PM BBT – Nicole tells Cliff she thinks he’s the only one who gets it that they’re still human beings despite this being a game.

8:15 PM BBT – HGs are doing the gratitude circle. Cliff says now is a very important time to do this after everything that has gone down today.

8:45 PM BBT – Jessica tells Kat that Nicole is playing a very risky game and that everyone found out she has been playing both sides.

8:55 PM BBT -Nick talks about backdooring Nicole this week. He says he’d rather Jessica come off the block and Nicole go up and out.

8:58 PM BBT – Nicole gives Kemi the rundown of everything that happened today. She tells Kemi all she did was tell Bella the truth and then Bella and everyone else ran upstairs and talked about it all. Kemi says Bella can’t help her mouth shut for two seconds.

9:35 PM BBT – Kemi says she can’t even look at Nick. Jessica tells Kemi and Nicole to just forget it and says this is why guys make it in this game and women don’t because women take things way too personally and never let anything go before it’s too late.

9:44 PM BBT – Jessica tells Nicole and Kemi they should just all go have a party in Camp Comeback. Nicole says ‘and lock the door.’

10:00 PM BBT – Christie explains to Cliff that she overheard him in his morning talk. He says those were his private thoughts and yes, he recognized that Tommy and Christie are close.

11:05 PM BBT – Christie and Tommy talk with Nicole about the big blow up earlier. Nicole says that Bella misconstrued what she had told her.

11:45 PM BBT – Tommy warns Analyse that Jack is trying to control her and Christie. Analyse isn’t too interested in Jack beyond the game.

12:25 AM BBT – Nicole confronts Bella about what she told everyone earlier. Nicole is upset that she confided in Bella and Bella ran it around the house. Bella explains she discussed it with Nick then Tommy and at that point had to tell everyone else. Bella doesn’t want to talk with Nicole anymore.

12:30 AM BBT – Bella left to go tell Jack and Jackson what happened. She says Nicole was laughing at her.

12:45 AM BBT – Christie tells Jack and Tommy they can let Bella and Nick be Nicole’s target now.

1:20 AM BBT – Nicole is upset about what happened with Bella. Jackson comforts her and says this will blow over.

1:50 AM BBT – Nicole tries explaining to Holly what really happened. She says Bella warned her that she (N) was a target so Nicole tried to in turn warn Bella who then ran it back to others.

2:00 AM BBT – Nicole warns Holly that Bella did this same thing to Kemi, then to her (N), and it could be any of them next.

2:20 AM BBT – Nicole wants to call a house meeting and clear the air. Holly says if that’s what will help her leave this summer with no regrets then go ahead. Christie encourages Nicole to speak more in the group setting about it and if Bella blows up that will help Nicole’s case.

2:30 AM BBT – Analyse and Christie want Cliff gone this week. They agree that if Nicole ends up a renom then they have time to convince Nick that’s a bad idea for them. Then for the Veto, Christie hopes to win it and she’ll lock it down to the noms don’t change.

3:10 AM BBT – Nicole speculates to Jess and Kat that this might have been planned by the other side as an excuse to vote her out this week.

3:25 AM BBT – HGs finally off to bed. (Jackson wakes up a little later for food.)

Well that was a messy evening for Nicole. She went from being well positioned and laying low to having a spotlight on her game. Bella has a knack for causing drama! But will there be any real fallout from it? Depends on who wins Veto perhaps!

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