Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Week 2: Tuesday Night Highlights

After a quiet day in the Big Brother 21 house on Monday, Tuesday was full of drama as games and alliances were exposed and even more people started to realize that everyone seems to be playing Jack and Jackson’s game. Read on to find out which alliance was outed and who would like someone to go after it.

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Big Brother 21 Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, July 9, 2019:

3:00 PM BBT – Christie tells Sam and Nick about what she heard Cliff talking about earlier that day. Bella joins in and Christie gets her up to speed also.

4:12 PM BBT – Christie tells everyone instead of going after Jessica next week they should go after Cliff. She says they can put up Jessica and Cliff and tell him he’s the pawn.

4:20 PM BBT – Jackson says they should nominate Nicole instead of Jessica because that way they will also know for sure that Ovi has the power if neither of them use it.

4:22 PM BBT – Christie said Cliff ruined his whole game trying to play to the camera.

4:27 PM BBT – Kemi talks to Jessica about how weird it is being on the block and how no one wants to have real conversations with you. She says there’s just a weirdness in the air this week.

4:38 PM BBT – Kemi tells Jess she hopes she wins the next HOH and Whacktivity if Kemi goes home. Then she says if she goes home she’ll be back.

5:00 PM BBT – Jessica and Kemi talk about the Black Widow alliance and how Jessica wanted to believe it was real. Kemi says she just walked in and it was already a thing. Jessica says so you don’t know it was Bella who started the alliance.

5:30 PM BBT – Nicole is giving a rundown to the camera of who all she likes. She really wants Kemi to come back if she gets evicted this week. Or David. She says they will both blow stuff up if the come back and that’ll be fun.

6:45 PM BBT – Kat is trashing Analyse to Holly. They agree that she comes off as a B to all the girls in the house but not to the guys.

6:48 PM BBT – Kat wants to get Bella and Nick out and said she wouldn’t be afraid to put them up. Holly says they can’t do that until after the Camp Comeback twist is over. They also talk about how Sam is a huge threat and how Jack drives them crazy with his arrogance.

6:50 PM BBT – Holly and Kat agree that Bella is “disgusting” and she’s who needs to go between her and Nick.

7:55 PM BBT – Bella is at it again. She told Sam about the Gr8ful alliance that he’s not officially a part of. Sam wants Bella to let Nick know she told him about the alliance so he can talk to him about it. Bella said not yet and to let Nick tell him himself. Sam says Nick might not ever tell him about it though.

8:04 PM BBT – Nick and Bella think Nicole has the power instead of Ovi. Nick says there’s no way Ovi would have let himself get evicted without telling someone about the power so he thinks it has to be Nicole.

8:05 PM BBT – Nick says if they put Nicole up they’re voting her out and that it’s all Cliff’s fault.

8:34 PM BBT – Nick goes to talk to Nicole. He tells her that he doesn’t even know who she vibes with in the house other than Cliff and Ovi. He mentions Kemi too but then says she’s leaving. She tells him she feels close to him, Bella and Sam but feels weird trying to add herself into their conversations. Nick tells her not to feel weird and says he loves her.

8:38 PM BBT – Nick tells Nicole that people think she has the power. Nicole just says she knows her truth.

9:12 PM BBT – Bella giving Sam more details on the alliance. She tells him that Christie named the alliance and that Jack’s idea was to have six core members and two outside the core. Bella says but it doesn’t matter because Sam has been in on all of their conversations anyway, so it’s like he’s just in the alliance. Then she doubles back and says it’s an agreement that Sam is the last of the “floaters” to go and thinks that she and Nick would go after that.

9:15 PM BBT – Now Sam wonders if they should keep Kemi since she’d be a number for him, Bella and Nick. Bella says she is kind of thinking that too. Then she asks him not to tell Nick yet because he might run and tell Jack.

9:24 PM BBT – Bella and Sam talking about forming a new group of them, Nick and Christie. Bella tells Sam that Christie did say she’d love for someone on the outside to take a shot at Jack. Sam feels really weird about everything now that he knows he was not in on that alliance.

9:25 PM BBT – Sam asks Bella if Nick even really likes him or if he’s just playing the game. Bella says Nick does really like him. Sam says if they start picking off all the people outside the alliance then he is screwed and it makes no sense for him to do that. Sam says now is the time they need someone “Small” to win to take out Jack or Jackson.

9:33 PM BBT – Holly tells Jackson she doesn’t want to tell Christie anything anymore because Christie has a big mouth.

10:10 PM BBT – Nicole asks Kemi how she’s feeling. Kemi says she feels like she’s getting evicted. Nicole asks which way she should take her game. Kemi warns her against siding with Bella because she is untrustworthy.

10:10 PM BBT – New alliance group is starting to form and they’re already lying to each other. Christie, Tommy, Sam, Nick, and Bella are gathered and discussing who has the Nightmare Power. Christie and Tommy know Ovi has the power but don’t volunteer that information.

10:30 PM BBT – Group names itself Flaming Five.

11:00 PM BBT – Ovi asks Analyse why she voted him out. She explains she didn’t want to go against the house.

11:50 PM BBT – Tommy hides Orwell from Cliff so his morning routine is disrupted. They speculate Cliff may have some sort of task associated with carrying Orwell. A few minutes later Cliff comes calling looking for Orwell.

12:15 AM BBT – Cliff went to DR for help in finding Orwell but they declined assistance.

12:30 AM BBT – Analyse and Holly wonder if Jack and Jackson are trying to keep their distance from them for the game.

1:00 AM BBT – Tommy and Nicole agree that they’d prefer to have Ovi back from Camp Comeback.

1:20 AM BBT – Nick and Bella cuddling and discussing their relationship in the game.

1:40 AM BBT – David tells Kat he has the Owl and is planning something at 5 AM.

2:30 AM BBT – Cliff continues to search the house for the Owl.

2:50 AM BBT – Nicole, Jessica, and Kemi note that Sam and Nick could run the game if they paired up.

3:10 AM BBT – HGs are off to bed.

The alliance of 8 continues to splinter and it needs a shift in power to finish the job. That won’t happen before the next vote which still looks to be Kemi. After that though it’s a toss up between Bella and Cliff. The majority will need to decide who is a bigger threat, which seems obvious.

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