Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Week 10: Friday Daytime Highlights

It is Nomination Day in the Big Brother 21 house and this week’s HOH has their nominations in mind and has held his pre-Nomination meetings. Now we wait for confirmation of who will be going on the block for week 10 of Big Brother. Read on to find out who the HOH’s target is and what they are telling the rest of the HGs.

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Big Brother 21 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, August 30, 2019:

8:50 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.

9:15 AM BBT – Jessica wonders why they were woken up so early and mentions that there is nothing on the television about nominations. She adds that everyone was called into the DR last night and it looks like they are all going to be back in there again this morning. She has Cliff worried something might happen.

9:55 AM BBT – Christie is telling Tommy and Holly about how she and Nicole were crying about missing their family last night and Big Brother came over the loudspeaker and said “Big Brother loves you” to them.

10:15 AM BBT – The HGs are talking about how they were told to get up and get ready early. They wonder if there might be something going on. The television does say Nominations Today now so they are wondering if they are getting their videos from home.

10:42 AM BBT – Cliff goes up to talk to Jackson about this week. Jackson says that he is still on board with Jessica and Christie, but he is trying to come up with the right words. He doesn’t want to use the word “pawn” but wants to imply to each of them that the other is his target this week. Then covering himself with Christie that he is doing it so that if she hears it from Jessica, she doesn’t get paranoid.

10:48 AM BBT – Cliff confirms that he will be a renom pawn if needed. Says that if he can’t trust Nicole and Holly to vote to keep him and Jackson to break the tie, then his game is over anyway.

11:02 AM BBT – Jackson wonders if he should tell Christie that he plans to tell Jessica she’s a pawn just in case she goes back and compares notes with Christie. Holly thinks that would be really stupid on her part if she did.

11:05 AM BBT – Nicole goes up to talk to Jackson and Holly and he reiterates everything he just told Cliff. Nicole tells them that she thinks that Jessica is going to be shocked when she finds out because she considers them close.

11:13 AM BBT – Jackson tells Nicole that they need the noms to stay the same this week because if he has to put Cliff up next to Jessica, Jackson will have to break a tie and it’s going to screw them.

11:20 AM BBT – Jackson, Holly, and Christie are talking now. He is telling Christie that Jessica has mentioned to him in the past that she has strengths he doesn’t and vice versa. He mentions that she usually lingers, but didn’t last night and is in a super good mood today. He thinks that Jessica isn’t expecting this and they need to make sure that she doesn’t win the POV this week. Christie says that if Jessica wins the POV, who goes up? He says Cliff still goes up and then they have to work to get votes from Tommy and Nicole.

11:30 AM BBT – Christie is trying to get Jackson to promise her his vote if it’s her and Cliff and he has to break a tie. He is beating around the bush and just mentioning how he wants to work with her, but not saying that he will vote to keep her over Cliff. They also mention that her being able to avoid eviction four weeks in a row is a heck of a resume point.

11:40 AM BBT – Tommy walks in. Jackson is reiterating that Christie is not his target this week and that if it makes Tommy feel better to take her off if he wins the POV, then he can. Tommy says that they will cross that bridge when they get there.

11:45 AM BBT – Jackson is giving Tommy the same spiel as he has everyone else now that Christie and Holly have gone downstairs.

11:50 AM BBT – Tommy says that if he wins the POV, he will talk to Jackson before making a decision on what to do with it.

12:10 PM BBT – Jackson is talking to Jessica and he tells her that with that wall comp happening, there aren’t going to be many physical threats. Her and Christie are the biggest mental threats and can potentially indanger his game.

12:15 PM BBT – Jessica tells Jackson that on a personal level, there is no love lost at all, but on a game level, she is disappointed. She tells him that she wouldn’t have put him up if she won HOH this week.

12:30 PM BBT – Jackson and Jessica are still talking in circles. Jackson is telling her that the thought of putting her on the block hurts more than watching any of the HGs this season walk out the door.

12:45 PM BBT – Jessica is telling Jackson that he can count on her to work with him going forward. She will be a vote for him and Holly, she hasn’t made any final 2s or 3s with anyone, and then asks him how he can put her up knowing that she will be a definite vote for him. He tells her that there are two seats he has to fill and there is still a Veto to play.

1:07 PM BBT – Cliff goes to the RV to talk to Christie. She is upset and tells him that she is missing home like everyone else. She tells him on top of that she is pretty sure that she is going on the block and Jackson can’t even tell her that she is a pawn. She talks about how she is going to be on the block for a month straight by the end of this week.

1:30 PM BBT – Cliff is looking for a place to hide his veto card for Hide and Go Veto. Christie and Jessica are playing backgammon while Nicole and Tommy lay in bed next to them and Holly lays next to them.

1:40 PM BBT – Cliff mentions to Jackson that because they were asked to degrease the floors, he thinks that this week’s POV might be Hide and Go Veto so he is looking for places. He says he has a couple of good ones in mind.

2:00 PM BBT – Jackson is telling Christie what he said to Jessica during their talk.

2:35 PM BBT – Jackson is reiterating to Holly and Nicole that he needs noms to stay the same and it would be ideal if he didn’t have to break a tie. He tells Nicole that he is going to stay loyal to her and Cliff and their F4.

2:40 PM BBT – Jessica joins the conversation and they are speculating about a Battle Back, but Jessica says there has never been a Battle Back where they weren’t told about it. Nicole mentions that there has never been a season where the first four evictees lived in the house. Jessica points out that they knew they were there though, not like they were hiding in the walls.

2:45 PM BBT – Christie is talking to Tommy about how she feels like she is always fighting and she is being super critical of herself right now which is making her miss home. She is crying.

It looks like Jackson still intends to nominate Christie and Jessica at today’s Nomination Ceremony. Jessica is his target because she is clearly the bigger threat…..wait, no, that’s not right. I think at this point, most of us are rooting for Jessica to win this week’s POV comp to shake things up. Who do you think needs to go this week?

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