It was a quiet morning in the Big Brother house while the HGs relaxed and got ready for a big day of campaigning. Nick started his campaigning off with Tommy and Cliff and will work his way around the rest of the house has the day goes by. Read on to find out what point Nick made in his campaign to Tommy and Cliff.
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Big Brother 21 Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, August 28, 2019:
10:00 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.
11:00 AM BBT – Some of the HGs are talking about the face-mash comp and how they could manipulate the facial features.
11:25 AM BBT – HGs are talking about their interviews with Jeff at the start of the season.
12:00 PM BBT – The HGs are all sitting around the table talking about past seasons and evicted HGs from this season.
1:08 PM BBT – Cliff and Nicole are talking about how they are voting and Cliff says that if they vote Nick out this week, that leaves Tommy on his own. Nicole says she doesn’t think so because Tommy already promised his vote to Christie which leads her to believe that they are close.
1:20 PM BBT – Nicole tells Nick that Cliff told her earlier that he is going to be screwed in the memory comp so it might be something that Nick could use as another selling point in his campaign to Cliff.
1:30 PM BBT – Nicole has agreed to let Jessica do her makeup.
1:40 PM BBT – Jackson is confirming with Christie that he intends to vote for her and that Tommy and Cliff are the ones that are up in the air. He tells Christie that he thinks that Nicole will vote Nick out once she realizes there is no saving him.
2:00 PM BBT – Nick is campaigning to Tommy. He is breaking down all the times that Christie blew up everyone’s game to save herself. Nick asks if that is the type of player Tommy wants to have in the house. Tommy says that he doesn’t and agrees that Nick is more loyal than Christie.
2:10 PM BBT – Nick brings up the fact that if Tommy votes out Nick this week, that is three people he has voted out in Jury. Nick mentions that if Nick goes, how is the next HG Tommy works with going to know that Tommy will stay loyal and vote for them. Tommy says that if his vote mattered, he would have voted the other way.
2:15 PM BBT – Tommy explains to Nick that he feels alone in this game. He is upset with Nick for not telling him about America’s Prankster before telling Nicole. Nick explains that he was nervous about telling anyone and Tommy agrees that Nicole has been more loyal. Tommy says that he is worried if he goes against Jackson in this vote, that Tommy will be his target.
2:25 PM BBT – Nick finishes his pitch to Tommy, but Tommy asks if they can stay and talk a little longer. Tommy feels really bothered by Nick saying that Tommy is only loyal until someone needs his vote and just wants to talk some more. Nick tells Tommy that if Christie makes it through this week and makes it to the end, she will win based on her using her social game to save herself three weeks in a row.
2:30 PM BBT – Nicole is letting Christie do her hair now that Jessica is done with her makeup.
2:45 PM BBT – Nick is campaigning to Cliff. Cliff tells him that he isn’t promising anything right now, but needs Nick to know that he is going to make a decision that is best for his game. Nick tells Cliff that he put Christie up next to him thinking that Cliff would vote her out because she was Cliff’s target. Nick mentions all the things about Christie saving herself and him being a big target.
2:50 PM BBT – Tommy is telling Jackson about Nick’s pitch while they play backgammon.
3:00 PM BBT – Nicole is showing off her new look to the live feeders.
Nick has made some great points in both of his campaigns so far. He knew that tugging on Tommy’s heartstrings and talking about Jury votes would resonate with him. Based on Tommy’s talk with Jackson right after Nick campaigned to him, it seems like Tommy is still feeling conflicted about his vote, but is telling Jackson what he wants to hear. Will Nick’s campaign make a difference when it comes time to voting tomorrow night?
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