It wasn’t his best work, but Zingbot stopped by the Big Brother 21 house to roast the houseguests and get the veto competition started.
Wednesday’s episode picked up right after Holly nominated Nick and he secretly nominated Christie as the Prankster. Christie is already assuming that the Prankster is Nick and she’s not too worried about being on the block.
After a pie smashing scene, it’s time to pick players for the veto competition. Joining Holly, Christie and Nick in the veto competition are Jackson, by Holly’s HG choice, Cliff and Jessica.
And since this is prank week it’s time for Zingbot! Our favorite shady robot greets the HGs by telling them that “This is the biggest group of losers he’s ever seen.” And then he starts with the zings.
- Tommy: With all your constant singing and dancing, you remind me of my favorite musical Little Shop of Attention Whores
- Holly: Nicole, you say you’re afraid of birds but you’ve been living with an old buzzard all season named Holly.
- Christie: You sure got loud on taco Tuesday. I don’t mean your fighting, I mean your chewing.
- Nick: I almost forgot. I have something for one of you … wait here … he returns with a present for Nick. It’s a bowl and he says “Time for a new haircut.”
- Nicole: It must be tough for you in the BB house with no friends, no boyfriend and no contact with the outside world. Actually, you must feel right at home.
- Cliff: There is one houseguest this summer who is very vuluptious and if you don’t mind me saying quite busty. Pleased to finally meet you Cliff.
- Jessica: With the game you’re playing this summer fans are already planning a convention in your honor. They’re calling it Snooze Fest.
- Jackson: Hello, we haven’t met yet. My name is Zingbot? What should I call you? Jackson, Michie, or pompous douchebag?
Zingbot goes on to tell the HGS that Zingbot is on the run and hiding in the BB house. He then gets hauled off and the HGs have to help free him. So they head out to do the Veto competition and to “free Zingbot.” For this competition, the players have to maneuver a ball into several holes. The person to get balls in all of their holes wins the Power of Veto.
Nick takes an early lead in the competition but Jackson catches up quickly. Christie and Cliff are terrible at the competition, and Holly and Jessica are moving way too slowly. In the end, Jackson passes up Nick and wins the Power of Veto.
Jackson tells Nick good game and Nick tells him he didn’t have to win it and that he wasn’t going to go up. So Jackson figures out that Nick is the Prankster. Nick knows without winning the veto, he might have to use being the Prankster to his advantage.
Christie goes to the HOH room and Jackson tells her that he’s not using the veto. But he and Holly promise her that Nick is the target and she isn’t going anywhere.
And at the veto ceremony, Jackson sticks to the plan and does not use the veto. Christie or Nick will be evicted this week.