Big Brother 21 Live Feeds: Could Christie Be Staying?

It was an interesting Eviction Eve in the Big Brother 21 house with Christie and Analyse giving it everything they have in their campaign speeches. However, it was what Christie said and what Analyse didn’t say that got the HGs thinking it might be best to reconsider how they are voting. Read on to find out if Christie could in fact be staying after tonight’s live vote and eviction!

Christie brought up to everyone in her campaign speech that Nick is her new target going into next week if she should survive the live vote and eviction happening later tonight. This made Holly think that Christie staying would keep the target off her back because Christie isn’t targeting her and Jackson this week and Nick would take a shot at Christie and Jessica. Keeping them off the radar for at least a couple weeks. However, if Analyse stayed and Nick won HOH, he would put Holly up next to Jessica.

Wednesday, at about 3:30 PM BBT (cams 1 and 2), Christie started pitching a deal with Jackson and Holly in order to try and stay in the game this week. She started this pitch with the fact that Nick has Analyse, Tommy, Nicole, and possibly Cliff in his circle, which doesn’t leave many nomination options should any of them win HOH. Christie promises Jackson and Holly that they are 100 percent, not her targets and that she would go after Nick and then Nicole. Jackson says those are things that Analyse didn’t tell him. In fact, Jackson was annoyed that Analyse didn’t mention his name when talking about people she would like to work with.

Christie tells them that she would be perfectly happy getting to five, four, or three with Holly and Jackson. Holly asks Christie if she can secure Jessica’s vote and Christie says if they tell her that the target has changed, she will vote to keep Christie. Jackson tells her if she is being honest about this and about them not being on her hit list, then she won’t be on theirs either.

Jackson tells Holly that if the vote were to end in a tie, he would vote to keep Christie. Jackson talks to Cliff, Jessica, and Nicole about flipping the vote and they all tell him that they will vote whichever way he wants them to.

Jackson has planted the seed that he wants Christie to stay, but will Cliff, Jessica, and Nicole all actually vote to keep Christie tonight? Do you think that Christie will actually stay true to this deal?

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