Big Brother 21 Live Feeds: Cliff Gets Busted Cam Talking!

Tuesday morning on the Big Brother live feeds, we watched as Cliff Hogg III was doing his daily cam talking that has been dubbed “Cliff Notes.” He starts it off every morning with a hello to his family and a shoutout to the live feeders and then goes into things that he has noticed going on in the house. Which is usually more than anyone would ever expect for him to notice.

Tuesday morning (9:35 AM BBT cams 3/4), Cliff was talking about all the things that have come to light inside the house. At around 9:50 AM BBT, Christie, who is coming back from the bathroom, overhears Cliff talking to the camera in the Boat Room. When she starts to listen in, Cliff is talking about the couples in the house, he is talking about Tommy and Christie being very tight. He gives a warning about how no one should ever assume their roommates are sleeping when you come into a room.

Cliff then continues to talk about how there might be some friction between Christie and Analyse because of Jack. He says he is going to hold onto this information and use it later if needed.

The final thing he chats about is his alliance with Ovi and Nicole called “Fellowship of the Zing” and how he is really hoping that Ovi comes back into the game. He talks about how he realizes that he has a girl in his alliance who hasn’t really done much and a guy who has already been evicted from the house, but he hopes that his connections with some of the “higher-ups” in the house will keep him safe for now. He is hoping that once Ovi is back in the house they might be able to grab some more allies.

Christie runs back to the Archery Room and tells Tommy, Jackson, and Holly about what she heard Cliff talking about. What do you think this will do to Cliff’s game? Do you think this is going to make him the next target? Or will Gr8ful try to reel him into their alliance and make him a friend rather than an enemy?

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