Big Brother 21 Episode 37 Recap: Jackson Earns His Spot In The Final 3

Cliff and Nicole were pretty sure they were heading to the Big Brother 21 Final 3 after the Final Power of Veto competition, but Jackson has other plans. And those are plans that shouldn’t shock anyone.

Wednesday night’s episode picked up right after the nomination ceremony where Nicole put Holly and Jackson on the block. Holly is still regretting throwing the HOH to Nicole, and Cliff and Nicole are still being a little delusional thinking Jackson and Holly won’t try to win the upcoming veto competition.

Cliff even asks Holly that if they “gave her permission” to play veto, would she take Cliff to Final 3. Holly is rightly shocked by such a question. And to further the “WTF” Cliff tells Jackson that he’s not taking him to Final 2 over Nicole but still wants Jackson to take him to Final 2. I’ve never seen anything like this in Big Brother. Why would Cliff think Jackson would pick him over his showmance?

Jackson lets Holly know what Cliff said and Holly lets Jackson know what Cliff said. Jackson says he loves Cliff, but they did them dirty, so there are no more deals. If Jackson wins the veto, Cliff goes home, Jackson says.

It’s time for a Big Brother luxury competition (aka this season are so boring, they have to fill some time with a competition. The final four has to figure out how many things in the house have been changed while they were on HOH lockdown. The person who guesses correctly wins $10,000. One of the changes was Ovi was back in the house. That’s funny.

Jackson locks his answer in first. He guesses 17 things were different. Nicole is second and she guesses 16. Holly and Cliff also guessed 17. So that means it’s down to Jackson and Nicole. The answer is 18, so that means Jackson wins the competition and the $10,000 prize.

Let’s get to the final Power of Veto competition!

For this veto competition, they will have to uncover a statement and then knock down the pictures of HGs who don’t match the statement. The person who completes the challenge the fastest wins the Power of Veto.

The veto competition times
Cliff: 38:36
Holly: 17:30
Nicole: 14:17
Jackson: 11:29

Jackson won the final Power of Veto!

And Cliff still thinks he and Nicole are both going to be Final 3 with Jackson. Ciff really thinks Jackson is going to keep his word. Nicole has her doubts. Jackson lets us know that he and Holly are going to finale night. Jackson tells her that he will never turn his back on her. So that means Cliff is toast.



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