Who is going to win Big Brother 20? The Jury’s decision is coming up tonight on the Big Brother finale but with our expected F2 settled we can look ahead at who could be taking home the big prize money this summer.
With Tyler and Kaycee taking the first two rounds of the final HOH it looks like JC’s game has come to a close. As I wrote earlier, I strongly expect both Tyler and Kaycee to take each other with them to the F2. Once they’re at the end JC will join the Jury and those nine evicted HGs will decide who wins BB20. So who will that be? Let’s take a look.
Our Jury will include: Bayleigh, RS, Faysal, Scottie, Haleigh, Brett, Sam, Angela, and (most likely) JC. Five votes is all it takes to win while just four will earn you Paul-status in the game. You don’t want the latter.
Both Tyler and Kaycee played on the same side of the house with L6 + sidekicks Sam & JC. That puts them on the majority side except when it comes to the Jury where Hive actually rules the roost. How’s that for turning the season its ear?
Tyler was working the house from the start while Kaycee kept a lower profiling and didn’t start racking up the wins until the second half of the season. Tyler pulled off 3 HOHs and 3 Veto wins plus his Power App that never saw the light of day. Then there was Kaycee who had 5 Veto wins and 1 HOH plus her Hacker comp victory. Both are impressive resumes on stats alone but Big Brother is more than that.
Tyler worked his F2 deals around the house and had them with nearly everyone which can obviously hurt you in the end. Jurors will either feel betrayed or keep it positive that he bonded with them. Tough to tell how much that could hurt his chances here.
Kaycee played a little more isolated within L6 and didn’t branch out in the same ways as Tyler. That lack of personal connections around the house may be her biggest obstacle on the path to winning. On the other side of that coin, she didn’t have to betray as many HGs. Remember the “one step ahead, two steps ahead” betrayal of Brett? Kaycee didn’t appear involved in that at all.
We’ve seen plenty of bitter Juries but this season has been different in a lot of ways and that could continue on in the Jury aspect too. From what we’ve heard so in Jury clips there was actually some decent support for Tyler coming from Haleigh and I don’t think she’d be the only person to support Tyler. Faysal respected Tyler and if he’s got Haleigh’s support then he’s probably got Faysal’s too.
Going back to the start of the Jury list, Bayleigh was furious at Tyler and that’s hard to forget but it’s been over a month since that happened and if she’s past it then she’ll have a tough choice. RS is an interesting one and I’d put her as a wild card unless she’s still upset about that time Kaycee snapped back at her, which might be the only time I remember Kaycee showing much anger in the game.
Scottie aligned with Tyler and there’s another situation of whether or not he’s over the betrayal. I’m going to guess he is over it though and would vote for Tyler over Kaycee.
Brett is a tough one because he had a tough exit. At first he didn’t seem to be bitter at Tyler but he could have just been confused in the moment. I think once he learned more about the circumstances of his departure he could feel more hurt and betrayed. He might have a hard time voting for Tyler even though Kaycee was in on the plan to evict him.
Sam will vote for Tyler. Come on, we know that.
JC won’t like it but he’ll want to vote for Tyler, his “house husband,” but he might not. JC is an emotional player and he might not have time to get over Tyler’s betrayal. Kaycee and Tyler planned to tell JC today before the finale but if they don’t and Kaycee wins R3 then takes Tyler the vote would be easily locked for Tyler from JC.
In the end, with a Tyler vs Kaycee matchup, I’m thinking we’ll see Tyler pull at least six votes but this one runs the razor’s edge and could easily topple over on him. If Tyler loses he can blame his surplus F2 deals and subsequent betrayals.
If Kaycee wins then it’ll still be well deserved unlike the last two seasons with the upset victories. Kaycee played hard, won important victories, and even though she didn’t make big game moves that could end up keeping her favorable opinions up and help lockdown the win.
It’ll be an exciting Big Brother 20 finale tonight and I can’t want to see who wins! Who do you think it’ll be? Cast your winner prediction vote now: