Big Brother 20 Live Feeds: Which Side is Scottie On?

Over the course of the last few days, we have seen Scottie working both sides of the Big Brother 20 house. He has been doing it so effectively that at this point we donโ€™t even know whose side he is on.

Scottie has some deals in place with Tyler so that neither of them will target the other and they will use the Veto on the other if they are on the block, but there is no agreement between him or anyone in L6 about which way he should vote. Angela promised Scottie that he wouldnโ€™t be her target this week and proved it by putting Bayleigh up next to Rockstar. Everyone in L6 knows that there is a chance that Scottie will vote with the other side of the house and aren’t counting on his help toย evict Bayleigh.

Scottie went to L6 after his own alliance tried to have him BDโ€™d this week. However, he is still maintaining contact with the people who have been stabbing him in the back. He has a soft spot for Haleigh and has actually admitted that on numerous occasions, but trusts that she didn’t have anything to do with Bayleigh trying to throw Scottie to the wolves. Scottie and Haleigh talked a lot of game yesterday and he actually had Haleigh questioning her trust in Bayleigh and Faysal.ย 

Late last night (2 am BBT cams 1/2) before the HGs all went to sleep, Haleigh offered Scottie an F4 deal which involved herself, Scottie, Rockstar, and Brett. Brett was involved in this deal because he has actually infiltrated The Hive and has gained their trust. They think that Brett is working with them, but his loyalty is with L6. Scottie has effectively helped L6 by putting doubt in Haleigh’s mind about who to trust, but will it be enough for her to really vote out her closest friend?

Tonight during theย Big Brother live evictionย we will find out if Scottie’s loyalty is with L6 or The Hive.ย Whose side do you think Scottie is on? Who do you think Scottie will vote to evict tonight?ย 



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