Big Brother 20: Veto Plans Week 3

As soon as Scottie became the latest Big Brother 20 Head of Household, he set his sights on the other side of the house to even out the numbers. In particular, he wanted to split up the bromance of Brett and Winston. So it came as no surprise when he nominated the two bros for eviction.

And later today at the Veto meeting, one of the bros will have the chance to plead with the veto holder to remove one of them from the block.

Scottie’s targets became even more solid when he won the Power of Veto competition on Saturday, giving him all the power this week. Winston and Brett have been working any angle they can think of to get one of them off the block so they can save both the bros. They’ve offered Scottie a Final 3 deal to veto Brett and put Kaitlyn on the block and they are trying to tug on Sam’s heartstrings hoping she might use her Bonus Life power on one of them.

Scottie was never really considering using the veto on either of the bros, and after a blowup with Kaitllyn, Brett and Winston Sunday night, it seems even less likely that he will be using the veto at the ceremony later today.

So there likely won’t be any major fireworks following today’s veto meeting, but you can definitely expect the houseguests to figure out which of the bros is going to get the boot come Thursday. As of now, it would appear people are leaning toward Brett going home, but who knows what will happen in this crazy house.

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