‘Big Brother 20’ Twists: When Can They Use Those Power Apps?

We’re still getting a steady stream of questions about the Big Brother 20 twists with the Power App and how they work. Lots of folks are asking why Tyler didn’t just save himself with his Cloud App after the Hacker renom or when Bayleigh could put her Identity Theft to use to swap herself out from the Block if she gets renom’d. Let’s go back through the details on those.

The Cloud – Big Brother Power App:

Cloud - App Store Power

Tyler picked up “The Cloud” power in the second week of the twist and that’s been a nice bonus to keep in his back pocket, but it’s not quite as powerful as some viewers expect.

The Cloud is a preventative power. It has to be used before any nominations/renoms/etc are announced. Tyler can’t wait until he’s on the Block and then decide to apply his power. That’s not how this works.

See that’s the catch, it’s a predictive power because he has to anticipate being sent to the Block. If someone surprises him, like this Hacker renom, then they bypassed his power and surprise attacked him with it. Although with the Hacker renom we really don’t know if he was given a specific opportunity to decide its use or not, but too late now and it doesn’t matter.

Tyler’s power lasts for 8 weeks from the time he picked it up in Week 2. So around Week 10 it will expire.

So long story short: Tyler has to use his power app BEFORE he’s on the Block. It’s a shield, not a time machine.

Identity Theft – Big Brother Power App:

Identity Theft - App Store Power

Just like with Tyler’s app, Bayleigh’s “Identity Theft” is an early strike power, not a reactive one. She has to anticipate Noms that she won’t like and use her power before the Nomination Ceremony. That is the only time each week she can use it. Bayleigh can NOT wait until Noms are revealed and apply her Theft to change them. Similarly, Bayleigh cannot use the App to change/prevent/swap/etc any renom action at the Veto Ceremony. It’s too late in the cycle then.

So later today when Angela takes down Tyler and renom’s Bayleigh in his place, as she’s planning to do, that power will be 110% useless. And if Bayleigh gets evicted this week then the power leaves with her and will go unused. Oops. Maybe she shouldn’t have told anyone and given them a reason to target her before she could get put the power to use.

Bayleigh’s power expires at F8, so the week of F9 is her last chance to use it. Or when she gets evicted this week, it’ll expire then…

Again, long story short: Bayleigh can only change up noms before the Noms Ceremony. She can NOT change noms after they’re announced.

Does that better explain the Big Brother 20 twists with the Power Apps? Still have questions? Ask away below!



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