Big Brother 20 Twist: ‘Jury Battle Back’ Coming Up

Big Brother 20 - Jury Battle Back

Last night on Big Brother 20 Julie Chen announced the latest twist to hit the Big Brother house this season as the Jury is about to become the focus for next week’s bonus excitement.

The Big brother “Jury Battle Back” twist will pit the first four jurors against each other for a chance to get back in the game and deliver our opportunity for a Double Eviction this season.

Yes, we’re down a count if production wants to keep the annual DE event in the schedule and as Allison Grodner told us the other week, “there is always at least one double eviction a summer.” So when Kaitlyn’s comeback game literally fell apart they had to shift to plan B and here we are.

Right now we’ve got Bayleigh, Rockstar, and Scottie in the Jury and they’re about to be joined by a fourth member of their Hive alliance after last night’s HOH competition victory for L6. Watch for Faysal and Haleigh to head to the Block with one of them getting voted out next to join the Battle Back, save for some crazy alliances shifts this week.

Faysal is the top target for L6 at the moment so this could be Scottie’s chance to get his revenge by defeating him for a second chance in the game. Of course, this also means that no matter what L6 does this week it’ll be Hive with the victory. Oh the perfect fit it makes in this season for Hive to have to lose four times in a row for them to finally find a victory in their own defeat.

What do you think of the Jury Battle Back twist? Which Juror do you most hope to see back in the game? Share your thoughts and then get ready for the battle royale next Thursday, August 30th on Big Brother!



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