Big Brother 20: The Best And Worst Moments Of Premiere Week

Big Brother 20 HGs move in

Welcome back to another season! It’s Big Brother 20 so we can expect bigger and better things, right!? Let’s hope so. As always, I’ll be sharing our Best and Worst Moments from Big Brother each week. These used to be called Ewws & Ahhs, but it got a little hard when there were more ewws than ahhs (it was BB19 after all), so I’ve decided to go with just two sections focusing the best moments and the worst moments. Nice and simple.  So let’s get started!

Since I’m going to try to be more positive (haha), let’s start with the the best!

Best Moments from Big Brother 20 Premiere Week

NO VETS. NO STUNTS. For the first time since Big Brother 12 (Yes, I’m counting 15 and 16 because of Elissa and Frankie) , we have no returning players, no siblings and no stunts (like Amazing Race players or the brother of a global popstar). So those of us who like ALL vets or NO vets are very happy summer campers.

The Cast. I think so far, so good. I like that the cast is a little more “average” than recent seasons. People look like they’re off the streets and not from a modeling catalog. A lot of the cast reminds me of player from earlier seasons and that’s refreshing.

Sam. I love Sam. I love her sweetness, her accent and her mannerisms. I like how she says she lives her life. I like that she lives in a camper in her mom’s yard. She’s such a real person. At least I think. This is still week one after all.

People Are Ready To Play. I love when players start playing right out of the game. Swaggy C and Angela were immediately ready to play and as soon as the first twist took hold, Tyler was also ready. And during the HOH, people played with strategy and determination and not sunshine and rainbows. We could be in for a treat this season

No Vets. Sorry, I had to list this one twice. I’m REALLY happy about this. Like really happy.

Worst Moments from Big Brother 20 Premiere Week

The Safety. I don’t know why they keep thinking they need to make 8 people safe for the first week. At least this time it doesn’t include a vet, but it just never makes sense to me. I do not like that part of the twist.

The Theme. I don’t understand the theme. What does it have to do with 20 seasons of Big Brother. It just feels like they’re not really celebrating such a big milestone the way they should. Bummer.

Sam’s Punishment. Actually, for me, Sam’s punishment might be one of the worst moments in BB history. If not worst, it’s one of the most unfair. It’s as bad as a night-one eviction. Being removed from the house for most of the day and being replaced from a cheap-looking robot is just cruel and lame. It’s not cute. And it’s definitely not high-tech. That looks like a prop left over from some failed CBS sitcom in the 1990s.

Sam Gets Nominated. This goes along with Sam’s punishment. It was heart-breaking to watch her plead her cast to Tyler and then for him to turn right around and nominate her.

No Intro. Where was the intro! We didn’t get to see the HGs making their stupid poses or wearing things like cowboy boots with a bikini or suspenders an no shirt. That should come Sunday, though.

I’m finally looking forward to the season. I do hope Sam can turn things around since she was unfairly given such a disadvantage, but other than that I’m enjoying Big Brother 20. Are you?



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