It’s our first full day of Big Brother 20 live feeds and we’ve got a house divided, people scrambling ahead of the Power of Veto competition and possibly enough evidence to figure out who won the special power this week from the BB App Store. Read on for all those details and more!
Missed the overnight report for Thursday’s debut of the Feeds? Go back and read all the important highlights here.
If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.
Big Brother 20 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, June 29, 2018:
8:35 AM BBT – Steve is the first to get up. He’s alone in the kitchen.
9:15 AM BBT – Steve finally has company. The other HGs received their wake up call.
9:50 AM BBT – Swaggy C knows the twist has to do with viewers answering questions so he thinks that’ll make the results a little different than regular polling. He suspects JC would do well with the way this twist works.
10:10 AM BBT – Sam has finally been allowed to join the Live Feeds as she returns from the DR. This is the first time we’ve seen Sam on the Feeds.
11:10 AM BBT – Feeds return from Veto players being picked. Faysal, Swaggy C, and Scottie will be playing as well. JC is the host.
11:30 AM BBT – People are thinking Anglea has the app power. Steve tells Tyler he needs to put up Angela if the veto is used.
11:31 AM BBT – Bayleigh, Angela and JC talking about Tyler wanting noms to stay the same and how earlier in the week everyone wanted Sam to stay but now they’re shifting to wanting her out.
11:35 AM BBT – Winston tells Brett that Scotty told him Kaitlyn is playing both sides. They say Scotty wants to work with them.
11:45 AM BBT – Tyler tells Swaggy, Scotty and Steve he wants Sam to go this week. Steve adds fuel by saying Sam was being nasty to some of the guys earlier.
11:53 AM BBT – Swaggy thinks Sam winning veto and Angela going is the best case because he’s worried Bayleigh will go home if she’s on the block.
12:30 PM BBT – Sam and Tyler talking about what is going to happen this week. She tells him to stick to his gut and then adds that no matter what she’s going to be here this week. He asks if she has the power, but she smiles and says no. (That sounds like she has the power and it might save her?)
12:34 PM BBT – Tyler reassures Kaitlyn that she will not be going on the block.
12:55 PM BBT – JC tells Tyler they need to make sure they don’t do what Swaggy wants because they’d be giving him all the power.
1:35 PM BBT – Winston tells Tyler that he started the Bayleigh and Swaggy romance rumor just to cause drama.
1:40 PM BBT – Bayleigh is really upset because she says she was told if she goes up there won’t be enough votes to save her. She tells Tyler she can’t go up on the block. Tyler tells her that she would not go home.
2:33 PM BBT – Tyler tells Angela that Brett might have the power. Angela swears to him that she does not have the power.
2:50 PM BBT – Tyler says he’s tired of being HOH. The first HOH reign is too long, he says. He tells Angela that the others want Winston to go up this week.
3:20 PM BBT – Sam is cutting Faysal’s hair and she’s talking to him about her insecurities and how she kind of likes being the robot because people can’t compare her to the pretty girls.
3:27 PM BBT – Tyler apologizes to Hayleigh for not letting her in the HOH room earlier. She says it only hurt her feelings a little bit.
3:28 – Hayleigh, Tyler and Kaitlyn still think Angela has the power. Tyler says he couldn’t get a read on whether or not Angela had it, but she was backtracking on things and now he’s sketched out. Talk turns to flushing the power they think she has.
3:40 PM BBT – Tyler says he has a crush on Hayleigh and it sucks.
4:00 PM BBT – Swaggy and Bayleigh discuss distancing themselves from each other since they’re being seen as big targets.
4:20 PM BBT – Big Brother reminds the HGs there is a no-napping rule during the day.
5:40 PM BBT – Sam confirms to Tyler that she got a special power, but doesn’t give him all the details.
5:45 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the Veto.
So it sounds like Sam is the target this week, but from her conversation with Tyler, she might just have the power and it could possibly save her this week. If that happens then right now Bayleigh could go on the block unless Tyler is convinced to go after Angela or Winston. Big Brother 20 is off to a great start!
You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.