‘Big Brother 20’ Spoilers: Week 6 Nominations

Nominations on Big Brother

Nomination spoilers are in for this week of Big Brother 20 after Angela Rummans took charge as the new HOH amid another twist thrown into the game with the Hacker Comp. But first, we need a couple of HGs on the Block. Done and done.

No big surprises here as Angela was going to pick from the other side and even made these choices well known among her alliance last night. There are a couple of renom plans waiting in the wings though.

Big Brother 20 Week 6 Nominations:

  • Angela nominated: Scottie and RS

If either Scottie or RS comes down then Faysal is a renom pick along with Bayleigh, possibly in that order. Also for Bayleigh it seems like her Identity Theft power was not used, otherwise I think we’d have much different noms going on. That’s it for her opportunity to use it this week.

The Hacker Comp is coming up later today and then we’ll get the Veto results on Saturday and we’ll be watching for the player draw that morning and the spoilers to share when it’s over. Who do you want to win this Hack and the Veto?

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