‘Big Brother 20’ Spoilers: Week 6 Hacker Results

Hacker Comp on Big Brother 20

A new twist is upon us for Big Brother 20 as the Hacker Comp is set to potentially change up the noms, Veto players, and even who gets to vote for the eviction for the next few weeks. So far today the HGs have fretted over what this could mean for the week and now we know. Read on for the results.

HGs each took a turn going to Old Paris where they had to quickly decipher word puzzles for a chance to score points and become the first Hacker of BB20. While those results are secret the impact would be public as the Hacker’s first decision would be whether or not to change the noms. Not just taking someone down, but replacing them entirely. That’s stronger than the Veto!

Big Brother 20 Week 6 Hacker:

  • Haleighper Vegas leak

Everyone stayed silent on whether or not they had won the power as HGs all seemed to be denying any success at the Hacker Comp, but obviously, someone won the challenge. All the same, everyone was called to the DR to privately make their decision known to Big Brother. Once that was wrapped up the house was called together for the announcement.

Just before the ceremony kicked off on the Feeds we got word from leaker Vegas that the Hacker winner this week was Haleigh. So that’s very reliable, but just hasn’t been admitted/confirmed on the Feeds directly.

Now it’s time to find out if the nominations would be changed… Yes! They sure were.

Big Brother 20 Week 6 Hacker Nominations:

  • Scottie was saved
  • Tyler was renom’d

Well, that’s going to shake things up! L6 thinks Scottie won the comp and saved himself while renom’ing Tyler, but we know it was Haleigh who made those moves.

Next up we’ve got Saturday’s Power of Veto comp and a player will be picked by the Hacker to play in the battle for PoV. Stay tuned for more spoilers!

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