Big Brother 20 Live Feeds Week 6: Friday Highlights

Haleigh talks with Brett on Big Brother 20

As if the Big Brother 20 house paranoia and tensions weren’t high enough, the new Hacker Comp twists went down today and turned the house upside down once again. Read on to find out all the drama that went down when the Hacker changed one of this week’s nominees.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 20 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, August 3, 2018:

    8:00 AM BBT – Lights come on for a very early wake up call.

    8:25 AM BBT – Sam talks with RS about her offer the night before to take the Hacker Comp for the house.

    9:30 AM BBT – HGs getting another wake-up call that it’s time to get moving.

    9:34 AM BBT – “The Cloud” appears sideways on the small screens. HGs run around trying to figure it out. Feeds cut.

    11:55 AM BBT – Feeds are back. Nominations took place.

    12:05 PM BBT – Faysal tells JC the strategy should be to save RS if they win the Hack so it looks like she won it.

    12:30 PM BBT – RS complains to Faysal that Brett could win the Hacker comp and then dominate the week.

    1:00 PM BBT – Kaycee lets Scottie know Angela told her Scottie was just the pawn this week.

    1:05 PM BBT – JC reports back to Tyler that Faysal says he trusts him the most.

    1:07 PM BBT – Bayleigh and Haleigh complain about RS. They don’t like her attitude or how she follows them around.

    1:08 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the Hacker comp.

    3:48 PM BBT – Feeds return. HGs discussing the challenge.

    3:50 PM BBT – HGs all denying winning the comp. Everyone is trying to guess who got it.

    4:07 PM BBT – Faysal mentions they have about 20 mins before Big Brother will start calling them back to the DR for their decision.

    4:25 PM BBT – Angela tells Brett she thinks it was Scottie who won the Hacker Comp.

    4:40 PM BBT – Tyler reports to Brett and Angela that he didn’t get it. He says he answered three correctly but has been telling others he only got two right.

    4:55 PM BBT – Scottie tells Tyler and JC that his fear is he could get saved so he wasn’t eligible to play in the Veto then he goes back up in the Ceremony and is BD’d.

    5:00 PM BBT – Faysal questions Haleigh about if she won it. He says it was suspicious that she didn’t know there was a skull at the end.

    5:05 PM BBT – Brett worries he’s about to get renom’d.

    5:17 PM BBT – Feeds are back down again.

    5:24 PM BBT – Feeds return. Tyler was renom’d after Scottie was saved.

    5:30 PM BBT – Haleigh congratulated Scottie on his safety, but he’s afraid it was a maneuver to keep him from playing for the Veto.

    5:35 PM BBT – JC questions Tyler on if it was him who renom’d himself. Tyler can’t believe JC would ask that. JC doesn’t think it was Scottie, but Tyler is sure it was. (It wasn’t.) JC is confident Tyler will have the votes to stay. Tyler disagrees.

    5:37 PM BBT – Faysal joins the conversation. Tyler expects him to get picked to play the Veto but thinks the girls will try to talk him out of saving Tyler. Faysal promises to try and protect Tyler.

    5:45 PM BBT – Scottie promised Tyler he’d save him with the Veto if he plays and wins.

    5:47 PM BBT – Haleigh swears to Tyler that it wasn’t her.

    5:55 PM BBT – Kaycee and Angela expect Tyler to dominate the Veto comp and win it tomorrow.

    5:57 PM BBT – Angela, Kaycee, and JC try to figure out who won the Hacker Comp. Kaycee thinks it was Bayleigh. Angela wonders if she should go confront Bayleigh but they discourage that.

    6:05 PM BBT – Angela thinks everyone playing but RS would save Tyler, but JC thinks Faysal might save RS instead.

    6:15 PM BBT – Tyler wonders if someone is trying to turn him against Scottie by making this swap.

    6:19 PM BBT – Angela says if Scottie wins veto he can use it on Tyler to prove that he wasn’t the one who nominated Tyler.

    6:20 PM BBT – Angela says she hates seeing Tyler sad. Haleigh said it sucks and he hasn’t done anything wrong.

    6:25 PM BBT – Haleigh swears that it wasn’t her who took Scottie down and nominated Tyler. She says Tyler was in tears and she felt bad for him.

    6:35 PM BBT – Faysal thinks that if Scottie wasn’t the hacker and wins veto he will save Tyler, leaving Faysal vulnerable as a replacement nominee.

    6:45 PM BBT – Haleigh asks Faysal to promise it wasn’t him who won the Hacker comp. He promises and tells her he thought it was her. She says it wasn’t her.

    6:50 PM BBT – Kaycee tells Tyler that she thinks Bayleigh is the hacker and they need to win veto so they can put Bayleigh up.

    7:05 PM BBT – Haleigh asks Brett to swear he wasn’t the hacker.

    7:10 PM BBT – Brett tells Kaycee he was suspicious of Haleigh’s questioning. They think that Bayleigh was definitely the hacker now.

    7:13 PM BBT – Tyler tells Scottie that no one thinks Scottie is the hacker any longer.

    7:19 PM BBT – Angela tells Kaycee that if someone uses the veto, at the ceremony, she’ll act like she’s going to nominate Scottie then nominate Bayleigh instead.

    7:44 PM BBT – JC picks up a bag of chips Bayleigh is eating from and she snatches it back and angrily snaps at him that he has to ask. JC snaps back that they’re not hers. She lectures him.

    8:00 PM BBT – JC is angry at Bayleigh because he tried to get a potato chip from her bag and she yanked it away and got really angry at him.

    8:05 PM BBT – JC says he wants Bayleigh to go this week and he’s willing to jeopardize his whole game to make sure the house flips for her to go home.

    8:15 PM BBT – JC tells Tyler that if the nominations don’t change, he’ll make Faysal vote to keep Tyler.

    8:35 PM BBT – Brett says he thinks the hacker is definitely Bayleigh and the only reason why she didn’t name him as the nominee is that would have been too obvious. JC agrees and suggests Bayleigh is getting revenge for Swaggy.

    9:10 PM BBT – JC getting to work on Faysal by telling him whoever the hacker is is a very dirty player and are trying to make Scottie and Tyler fight.

    9:18 PM BBT – Faysal suggests to JC that Haleigh might have won the hacker competition since she had mentioned backdooring Tyler before. JC says he doesn’t think Haleigh would do that to them.

    10:06 PM BBT – Tyler tells Kaycee and Angela that he’s winning the veto and they’re going to backdoor Bayleigh.

    10:23 PM BBT – Haleigh and Faysal are trying to figure out what keeps messing up their alliance plans. Haleigh says they might not have the votes to save Rockstar if nominations stay the same. Faysal suggests at the rate they’re going losing her might not matter. She asks him his plans if he wins the Veto. Faysal says he has no idea.

    10:30 PM BBT – Faysal again questions Haleigh about winning the Hacker Comp but she denies it. He says she acted strangely earlier when Kaycee asked her about it.

    11:45 PM BBT – Faysal let Angela know that if he gets picked to play Veto that he’ll do what she wants with the PoV.

    12:20 AM BBT – RS and Faysal are still awake and in the kitchen. She’s helping him make tea. They chat about watching the show beforehand to learn about it. RS notes how she thought she’d have the “mother” role but Sam has taken that over.

    1:00 AM BBT – HGs are off to bed for the night.

Another exciting day filled with uncertainty and mistrust in the Big Brother 20 house as these HGs can’t figure out who is pulling the strings. With Tyler on the Block he’ll be forced to play a few more direct moves if he wants to survive the week and the Veto comp will be his first chance. Watch for those results on Saturday.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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