‘Big Brother 20’ Spoilers: Week 4 Nominations

Nominations on Big Brother

Spoilers are here for the fourth week of Big Brother 20 as the new Head of Household has made her picks official after going silent in the time leading up to big reveal. While she wouldn’t confirm ahead of time who was going up, there was plenty of talk on who wouldn’t.

Big Brother 20 Week 4 Nominations:

  • Sam nominated: Kaitlyn & Haleigh

Wow, well this is going to make for a fun week! Who will be more upset? Kaitlyn or Angie? Immediately after Feeds returned it was Angie with the anger as she criticized Sam’s move as going after “the sisters” following last week’s targeting of the Bros. Angie also lamented, “so much for girl power.”

Kaitlyn cried to Faysal that she didn’t know if she could even pick him to help her in the Veto since he’d be torn with who to save, Kaitlyn or Haleigh. Or this is going to be a drama-filled week for the Live Feeds! I hope you’re watching all this too!

Don’t forget that Sam’s unused Bonus Life will come in to play this Thursday by default since she didn’t use it in the first three weeks. We’ll have to wait and see who will face that challenge next Thursday to battle back into the house.

Veto comp is coming up on Saturday and we’ll be watching for the player draw and the results to share as soon the spoilers arrive. Who do you want to win the PoV?

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