Nomination spoilers are in for this week of Big Brother 20 and surprise, surprise, we’ve got Hive in the crosshairs for L6 in yet another week of Big Brother. At some point L6 will have to turn on each other, but it won’t be this round.
With Tyler closely beating out Haleigh in this week’s endurance HOH battle overnight it was clear which way this was going to go. With Scottie barely back in the house for a day it was time for the spotlight again and he was set to be joined by the only other Hive ally left.
Big Brother 20 Week 10 Nominations:
- Tyler nominated: Scottie & Haleigh
Haleigh had spent the day trying to work her way from ending up there and while Tyler always offered her a little hope with his vague responses the plan was set from the start. So far Tyler has said he doesn’t care which of the two goes, but we know he’s got an idea somewhere in there. I’d expect him to want Haleigh gone but you never know when last week he opted to go along with evicting Faysal instead of Haleigh.
The Veto comp is coming up on Saturday and we’ll get the results then. Who do you hope to see win the Veto this week? Should noms stay the same or do you hope to see Tyler forced to renom one of his allies?
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