It’s week 10 in the Big Brother 20 house and Scottie is back in the game. And since Scottie did not win Head of Household, he is an automatic easy nominee. But who is really the target this week? Different people have different ideas. Read on for all the details and find out who the HOH wants out this week.
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Big Brother 20 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, August 31, 2018:
- 9:50 AM BBT – HGs taking a very slow start to the morning.
11:05 AM BBT – Sam mentions to Brett that Angela may have snuck up to the HOH room to be with Tyler.
11:10 AM BBT – Tyler and Angela are cuddling under the covers in the HOH room.
11:20 AM BBT – Brett arrives upstairs and Angela scrambles out from under the covers.
11:25 AM BBT – Brett asks Tyler his plan for nominations. Tyler says he’s doing the same thing as last week. Tyler says it’s easy to use Scottie as a nom since he was already evicted unanimously. Tyler discusses with Brett how Faysal and Haleigh told him that Scottie was coming for him. Tyler and Brett agree Scottie shouldn’t team back up with Haleigh.
11:30 AM BBT – Tyler tells Brett and Angela that he doesn’t care which of Haleigh or Scottie gets evicted. Angela thinks Scottie would put her and Tyler up, but Haleigh might go after Sam first. Angela and Brett groan about Sam’s behavior. Tyler thinks JC might come up and push for Sam’s nomination.
11:50 AM BBT – Haleigh has joined the Sam-complaining party. They don’t like her mood swings and note that she’s totally different once she’s free from worrying over the Block.
12:15 PM BBT – Haleigh apologizes again to Angela for Faysal’s speech last night. Tyler doesn’t like how Faysal took it outside the game and went personal with his comments.
12:23 PM BBT – Haleigh asks Tyler if he’s made his decision. He denies knowing what he’ll do. Haleigh doesn’t quite believe him. She again pushes that she doesn’t want to go up. He shifts the decision to the other HGs and says he hopes they’re open to the idea of him not putting her up and using Sam instead.
12:26 PM BBT – Haleigh says she wishes she could prove to Tyler that he can trust her. He points out that he did vote for her to stay this past week.
12:30 PM BBT – Haleigh questions if it’s good for Tyler’s game to get rid of Sam. He says he’s trying to figure that out.
12:32 PM BBT – Haleigh asks that if she’s going up to not be blindsided.
12:43 PM BBT – Haleigh describes how bad the pain was in that competition since it was hitting her in areas damaged from a car accident.
1:05 PM BBT – Brett and Tyler discuss their best options. Brett suggests that Scottie and Haleigh are a good plan. Brett also warns Tyler that JC is very paranoid and that could be an issue later.
1:10 PM BBT – Brett tells Tyler that the two of them are more important to him than L6 as a whole. They think JC doesn’t see that they’re a pair.
1:35 PM BBT – JC asks Tyler if the plan is Haleigh and Scottie. Tyler says he thinks so. JC says it should be the same plan as last week.
1:40 PM BBT – JC talking to Tyler about Brett. He says he’s trying to convince him that duos are dangerous and that he knows Angela and Kaycee are a duo. JC says Brett asked him if Angela slept in the HOH room. Tyler said she didn’t. JC says he’s doing what he can to protect Tyler. Tyler tells JC he doesn’t have to cover him on everything because Tyler knows what he’s doing. JC says Brett is smart and can see Tyler and Angela as a pair.
1:44 PM BBT – JC says that Scottie is more dangerous than Haleigh and he needs to go this week.
1:47 PM BBT – JC tells Tyler that Brett feels like he is at the bottom of the heap and will be targeted first when it comes down to it. Tyler says Brett doesn’t have to be the first to go.
1:54 PM BBT – JC says he doesn’t want to be on the block with Tyler and he thinks that’s what Scottie would do if he wins HOH next week. He keeps pushing for Haleigh to stay over Scottie.
2:10 PM BBT – Tyler tells Scottie that everyone wants Haleigh out and were relieved when Scottie was the one to come back into the game.
2:20 PM BBT – Tyler says no one wants Scottie to go back out this week, but they all want him on the block instead of themselves.
2:28 PM BBT – Tyler says Scottie and Haleigh would make a better couple than her and Faysal. Scottie says he’s no longer smitten with Haleigh.
3:03 PM BBT – Scottie tells Angela that Rockstar and Bayleigh spent the past week trying to convince him that Tyler was his enemy and that he should target him and Angela.
3:22 PM BBT – Angela says she feels good that Tyler won’t put her up. Scottie says he feels good about that too (hmm).
3:28 PM BBT – Tyler tells Angela that he convinced Scottie that Haleigh is the target. He says he just doesn’t want Scottie to win veto and come after him for nominating him as a target.
4:00 PM BBT – Tyler tells Kaycee that he really doesn’t care who goes home. He just needed Scottie to not feel like the target.
4:24 PM BBT – Now it’s time for Tyler to make Haleigh feel like Scottie or Sam is the target over her.
4:35 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the nomination ceremony.
So Scottie and Haleigh will be on the block when the feeds return. Tyler is being honest when he says he doesn’t care which of the two go home, I think, but I think what he’s really saying is he wouldn’t mind for Scottie to stay. He knows that he can work more with Scottie than Haleigh if he has to.
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