Big Brother 20 Live Feeds: What’s Sam’s Meltdown About?

Sam cries on Big Brother 20

According to information from our friendly neighborhood Big Brother 20 leaker (@REALvegas4sure but we will call her Vegas for short), Sam entered the DR about an hour before the Big Brother live eviction episode started. How long she was in there, we’re not really sure, but we know that it was longer than 15 minutes. Most of us wouldn’t bat an eye to this, but it’s not normal for a HG to be in the DR that close to a live show airing.


She said when they call her to the DR during live show she is going to refuse to vote. She was told she can’t do that. She stayed and cried most of the time. Then tried to leave the DR through the side exit (which would be a self eviction) but was asked to stay.

— REALvegas4sure #bb20 (@realvegas4sure) August 10, 2018

We found out from Vegas that Sam went in there telling them that when she was called to the DR during the show that she was going to refuse to vote. She was told she couldn’t do that and she tried to self-evict, however, she was asked to stay. That’s not even where it ended because about 20 minutes into the live show while we were watching the explosive house meeting, Sam went back into the DR.


Sam in DR again right now. She is told if she self evicts she will go from one of America’s favs to being disliked but if she stays America will rally for her for being strong & not hate her for the vote.

She’s leaving DR now but no clue what she is going to do.#BB20

— REALvegas4sure #bb20 (@realvegas4sure) August 10, 2018

Throughout the night on the live feeds, Sam had been acting really depressed. She told Rockstar and Faysal that she didn’t want Bayleigh or Rockstar to go home and that she really had a hard time understanding this. She tells them that she voted to keep Bayleigh because she didn’t want the vote to be unanimous because it wasn’t fair to Bayleigh to think that she was all alone in the house.

During her chat with Haleigh last night, she tells Haleigh that she feels like a big joke in the house, she feels like everyone is making fun of her and she doesn’t want to be here anymore. She tells her that she finally thought she had friends in Bayleigh and Rockstar and that she would have really preferred that she went home if that meant that Bayleigh could have stayed.

In another conversation, Sam questions Haleigh on if anyone has been making fun of her and gets really upset about Haleigh telling her that no one was making fun of her. Sam gets annoyed because she thinks she is lying to her, but Haleigh tells her the only thing anyone has done is remind Haleigh that Sam put her up. Sam tells her that everyone is always talking over her and she feels like she is the only real person in the house and she is stuck in this house with a bunch of fake people. Haleigh attempts to talk her down, but I feel like Sam is a ticking time bomb at this point.

I guess for me, I’m just confused. Why would you sign up for Big Brother if you didn’t want to play the game? Also, why would you complain about being left in the dark when you have specifically asked to be left in the dark? Am I the only one not understanding what her meltdown is all about?



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