Big Brother 20 Premiere: Night One First Impressions

Big Brother 20 has arrived! We got to watch the first part of the two-night premiere Wednesday night, so it’s time for some first impressions.

Keep in mind that last season at this time, I was so excited and into the season. But by the end of the summer, I kind of hated it. So I’m going to be blunt and bordering on negative in this first impressions post. I’m hoping to trick the universe into making me love this season by the end of the summer. So bear with me for now.

I’ll be breaking these up into segments. So let’s get to it.

The Cast

I am thrilled that there are 16 brand new houseguests and seemingly no return players. I think it’s finally safe to say we won’t have any this summer. So Yay! Of course I, like many others, spent the past couple of weeks dreading that possibility, and it really cast a shadow on the premiere. I lost a lot of the usual excitement I have this time of year because of the dread I felt over returning players being a possibility for yet another season.

As for the cast individually, let’s dig in with some brief first impressions. I think Sam is super sweet. She was cast because they clearly see her as the love child of Donny Thompson and Jordan Lloyd. Swaggy C seems to be a determined player, but he might burn out fast if he plays too hard. Brett is way too bro-ish. Steve isn’t fooling anyone – they’ll know he’s a cop soon enough. JC is crazy. Angie is crazier. Scotty is funny. Bayleigh has a great energy. Kaitlyn reminds me of someone from like BB3-BB5.

Winston is boring but handsome. Hayleigh is boring but cute. Those two girls who seem like the same person, Rachel and Angela, I think? Yeah, they’re boring. Faysal is boring but he has potential. Who have I forgotten? Probably some other really boring people.

I’m being unfair calling so many of them boring. Because we didn’t really get to see much because Big Brother has become such a competition-focused show we only got to see them in competitions for most of the two hours. We’ll be able to know a lot more about the cast once the live feeds start. But all that said, I think there is some potential with this cast.

The Twists

I hate the twists. It’s just the Den of Temptation all over again. This is the 20th Season and that’s what they give is? Inviting the Nolan Twins and Chicken George to sit in the audience of the premiere doesn’t make this something special. I feel like we’re being cheated out of something. Sigh.

And they get worse. Sam and Kaycee have been given punishments as part of one of the twists, which forces Sam to swap out with a robot for most of the time up until eviction night. That means Sam misses out on any actual in-person discussion and relationship building which is crucial in the first week. That’s almost as bad as a night one eviction. They basically just made Sam the first evictee with that punishment and that’s sad because I think Sam is great.

I just feel like the producers were texting each other in May and were like “damn, we better decide on a twist.” “Why don’t we just redo den of temptation?” “BRILLIANT.” “But maybe since it’s the 20th season, we should name it something else.” “How bout TECHNOLOGY because like this is the 20th season and like technology wasn’t as big a thing then. Though they did get to look at websites about themselves in season 4…” “No, no, it’s great. The fans will love it! Maybe even as much as they loved the Battle of the Block Twist.” “Done.”

Ugh. Sorry I’m being so negative. I just really feel cheated.

The House

I really like the house design this season. I like the colors and the patterns. I still long for the day they actually get a whole new house, but they at least tried to make the design this season a little special. I like it.

Overall, I think the season has potential. But I’m remaining guarded because I tend to jinx things when I get too into them too soon. That’s what happened last season. I’m not making that mistake again.

What did you think of the first night of the Big Brother 20 premiere?



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