Adam Poch’s Big Brother 20 Player Rankings – Week 2

Adam Poch on Big Brother

OMG – Big Brother 20 is the best season ever! You don’t believe me? Look at the facts… we just saw the best move in Big Brother history done by the best player in Big Brother History. Because you know – Week 2 is always the standard when looking back at how great the season was. OK, OK, I know most of you are rolling your eyes right now, and I apologize for that, but one thing is for sure – this season has been much much better than most of the past recent seasons.

We are only in week 2 and have seen more game play from just about all of the HGs than anything we saw last season. I just hope this action & drama can keep going the next 76 days. With so many Power Apps given out and more to come, something tells me the drama will continue!

Before we anoint Kaitlyn as the best player in the history of the game, lets look at each HG’s week 2 status and see who’s game is safe & who’s game is in shambles.

Haleigh Broucher – 5 strips of Bacon – somehow Haleigh is in a good spot with both sides of the house so far while so many others have been pushed to one side or the other. She has used her flirty nature to stay close with a few of the guys (Fessie / Brett) – as well as keep her girl power side alliance (Kaitlyn / Rockstar) strong. She is saying all the right things to all the right people and no matter who goes home this week, she is in a good spot. This early in the game, it’s great that she has had both personal & game chats with just about everyone. Hope she does not mess it all up by winning HoH this coming week.

Tyler Crispen – 4 strips of Bacon – Tyler was the first HoH – but some will argue he was also the 2nd HoH as well. He was the main reason Kaitlyn flipped the votes last week to get out his target Steve. He then went on to plant the seeds in her head to do the backdoor plan this week. While there were some minor negative consequences, and some people are on to him, he still has a lot of people that want to work with him moving forward. Getting the Cloud Power App will help him later and the fact that he was able to keep it a secret will also help him at some point over the next 2 months.

JC Monduix – 3 strips of Bacon – JC has finally toned down his pervy nature and is a very important swing vote this week. He knows that he is riding the fine line between loyal alliance member (just not in anyone’s main alliance) and full blown floater. What this means for him long term is still to be seen, but for now he can straddle that line and is not on anyone’s radar. We know he is still a wild-card and if he wins an HoH – he will probably become very power hungry and may rival Kaitlyn for biggest HoHitis of the summer.

Sam Bledsoe – 3 strips of Bacon – just like JC, Sam is one of the swing votes this week and more importantly removed the target off her back from last week to being seen as a non-threat. Meanwhile as I mentioned in my pre-season rankings, she has become the shoulder people cry on – AND she also keeps saying that she will do whatever the HoH wants her to do this week in regards to the vote. She has also been the comic relief so far this season, turning dryer lint into yarn, and correctly saying that she was promised a fun summer, when the game is anything but fun.

Brett Robinson – 2 strips of Bacon – for the first time this summer, I am giving Brett his own paragraph – not linking him with Winston. Even though the Bros seem to be attached at the hip 99% of the time, Brett is also having conversations with people without his partner. Of the foursome (Brett, Angela, Winston, & Rachel) he has the best social game and will be able to make a smooth transition sliding into another group / alliance if his side starts to crumble.

Faysal Shafaat – 2 strips of Bacon – sure, Fessy is playing this game far too emotionally up to this point. His constant pining for Haleigh’s attention is a little much, and his flirtmance with Kaitlyn is also tough to watch, but he is starting to see the bigger picture in the game. He knows he is an asset to whoever he works with – and despite being the biggest & probably the strongest guy in the house, his low key approach so far has left his game in pretty good shape.

Kaycee Clark – 1 strip of Bacon – while Kaycee has yet to be someone who actually comes up with ideas for her group – she is solid with them and using them as her meatsheilds. Does she realize she is doing this, or is it just plain dumb luck? We don’t know and we probably wont know until she actually has a Diary Room session to let us in on her perspective. Regardless, if she is on the block anytime soon, she has very little of a chance to be evicted. At some point she will need to come alive, but staying under the radar for now is working to her advantage.

Bayleigh Dayton – 1 strip of Bacon – unfortunately for Bay, her showmance partner is probably going home this week, but she has done a great job keeping her cool despite several people (both inside & outside of the house) thinking she will go off. If Chris is the one voted out tonight, she still has some friends that will work with her moving forward, and wont be an island.

Scottie Salton – 1 strip of Tofu – on the surface, Scottie looks like he is doing a great job of being a spy/rat/whatever. He maintains an open dialogue with just about everyone in the house, but similar to Ramses last year, people are scared of him & his gameplay. After losing his ride or die last week, he was taken under the wing of the FOUTTE alliance, but is not a solid member of it. The Bros are starting to figure him out and making him a target, but if they do get some power next week – I look for them to make a bigger move and leave him alone for now. Scottie also thinks he is in a good position with Tyler, but we know Tyler will cut him as soon as he becomes a liability.

Angela Rummans / Rachel Swindler – 2 strips of Tofu each – if not for the Crap App – Rachel would have gotten as much screen time as Angela this week. The two girls are still on the radar for most of the FOUTTE alliance, and would be good pawns, re-noms if any of them get power. Until then, they can just keep walking around in bikinis to the enjoyment of many.

Angie Lantry – 3 strips of Tofu – Angie is slowly becoming the Kryssie (BBOTT) of this season – a solid person in her alliance, but a mouthy one at that. Her constant hating on the Bros will deflect the target off the rest of her alliance. She has made it clear as day that she will target them if she in fact wins an HoH. At this point in the game, if she is not gone before jury – she will be the one that people will want to drag far as they know they will be able to beat her in the end. Unless of course, her hatred boils over and her side distances themselves from her.

Chris ‘Swaggy’ Williams – 4 strips of Tofu – OK, I said in my preseason rankings I was not going to call him Swaggy C as he likes to be called, and up til now I have not called him that – but I do have to say that his Swaggy C persona has gotten him into this mess. He came into the game guns blazing. Winning 2 comps in the first couple of days did not do him any good as all it did was boost his already oversized ego.

Gotta give him credit for putting on his hard hat and grabbing his lunch pail before going to work for 20 hours a day trying to keep himself safe. Unfortunately the damage was already done and every time it looked like he was going to dig himself out of the hole he put himself in, someone comes along and steps on his fingers pushing him back down a few rungs. The only thing I can hope and pray for is we do not have a repeat of Season 6 when one side of the house did it all for Cappy (another nickname I could not stand hahaha).

Winston Hines – 5 strips of Tofu – why do people still have no problems going up as pawns?? Not only did Winston accept the plan to be nominated early, he did not seem to have a problem with Tyler leaving him on the block when he only had 4 solid votes to keep him safe this week. Sure, he was happy that the plan was to backdoor Swaggy, but he should have put up a little more of a fight to not be the one sitting next to him come eviction night. He went along with the plan to pull Scottie off as a way to try to get Scottie to work with his side of the house, but now he wants Scottie gone. Does any of this make sense to anyone??? If so, please tell me what I am missing.

That brings us to our Tofurkey of the Week – and for the first time in my memory I am giving it to the same person 2 weeks in a row (@PupRiku keeps all of my stats, perhaps he can confirm this). So yes, to all of you loyal readers, you know that the honors once again goes to Kaitlyn Herman. If we did not know already she was a little bat sh*t crazy before this week – her words and actions have proven this to be true. She came up with the name FOUTTE but the better name for the alliance would have been FAULTY!

Kaitlyn is way too boy crazy in the game, and for someone who loves to claim she wants to empower young women, she is doing the complete opposite. She let her emotions for Tyler cloud her judgement and made a big move that really did not need to be made. She was able to deflect her flip vote last week, and miraculously that’s still a secret to most of the HGs – but this move here has put her in the direct line of fire moving forward.

After putting Swaggy up as a re-nom, she went and cried about it. Was she truly hurt by the “game-only” decision or was she just looking for MORE attention? I think the latter. PLUS… and this here alone would have earned her the Tofurkey – if you want to do a backdoor and make sure it happens, why would she want to leave a guaranteed vote against her target on the block and have a vote for her target removed. This was the biggest flaw in her strategy.

Unless there is some last minute flip flopping again this week, Kaitlyn may have to break a tie, or worse see the biggest move in Big Brother History blow up in her face. Before the game started she was one of the players I was rooting for, at this point she is doing one thing however – making great TV!!! She is easily becoming a villain & making a name for herself in the Big Brother echelon – but not the way she thinks.

Well, there you have it kiddies – another week in the books, another exciting live eviction show on tap, and another HUGE HoH competition in store for us tonight.

My question of the week is – despite Kaitlyn thinking she made the best move in Big Brother history – what do you think was the best move of all time? In my opinion Andy setting up Elissa for voting out Amanda & then getting McCrae to evict Elissa during the Double Eviction on BB15.

See you all next week – from outside the Big Brother House, I’m Adam Poch. Have a great day!

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