Adam Poch’s Big Brother 20 Player Rankings – Week 12

Adam Poch on Big Brother

And then there were 4. In the past 6 days of Big Brother 20 – we went from the final 7 to the final 4 – and one week from today we will wake up with no more Big Brother!! Most season that have gone 90+ days seem to drag, but this season has flown by and kept us on our toes. This season has been so full of drama, excitement, and strange gameplay – renewing our love for this game.

Speaking of renewing, there is a lot of speculation on the future of BB – with the whole “Julie Chen Moonves” drama going on outside the house – but the ratings have been good enough for CBS – and I hope next summer it’s back. Hopefully on finale night they make the announcement… BUT FIRST, lets take a look back at the week that was.

Since there are only 4 people left – I will do the rankings based on the final 6 after Haleigh was evicted in the first eviction last Thursday – since we had 2 weeks worth of game since my last column.

Kaycee Clark – 5 strips of BACON – during the Double Eviction – Kaycee did not win the Veto, breaking her streak of 3 in a row – but she quickly corrected that by winning the last 2 Vetos – and securing her spot in the Final 3. For weeks now I have been predicting she will be the winner of BB20 – and it really is her game to lose at this point.

Kaycee has locked in a F2 with Tyler weeks ago, and now with JC securing his spot in the F3 as well, it looks like she will be F2 regardless of who wins the final HoH. What has set her apart from the others is her social game. She has always been a straight shooter (well, in Big Brother terms). I was waiting all season for her to lose her temper – but she has been “as cool as a cucumber in a bowl of hot sauce” (Beastie Boys “So What’cha Want”).

JC Mounduix – 3 strips of BACON – JC finally saw the block, first for 10 minutes, then for the short week – and things started to become a little clearer to him as far as what Tyler has been doing all summer. And then he finally won an HoH at F4 to get him to F3. That is the most important HoH to win because it’s the only one where you can play the following week. Part of his game has been skill, and part of it was luck, but the last 7 days have been the awakening we have all been waiting for from him as a player.

As mentioned above in Kaycee’s recap, it seems like he truly is off the Tyler train and wants to take her to F2 if he has that power to choose. Sadly for him, it’s too little too late (no pun intended) – and regardless of who he sits next to in F2 – he will lose.

Angela Rummans – 1 strip of Bacon – 2 more comp wins (DE Veto, then HoH) – has her with a very impressive resume if somehow she should survive tonight. It sounds very unlikely that will happen – but hey – you never know. If she does go, its with her head held high – and not because she is a snob, but because she thinks she is walking away with a bigger prize than $500K – she is walking away with the guy!

Sam Bledsoe – 1 strip of Tofu – yep, 3 straight weeks on the block and finally evicted but with no hard feelings. She could have controlled her own destiny plenty of times in the game, but did not have that killer instinct to step up and win when she needed to. She did give us a great moment on the feeds recently – when she was threatening to bash all the TVs in the HN room, and throw a saucer bed through the window.

I am sure Production was standing on the other side of the wall with a straight-jacket in case she put that plan into effect. But at the end of the day, she walked out and will probably be the only non-bitter jury member this season. Although, her voting pattern all season has been as peculiar as she is, so who knows.

Brett Robinson – 3 strips of Tofu – piggybacking on my recap of him last week – throwing most of his eggs in the JC basket and trying to get Tyler to flip on L6 while there were still 2 non L6 targets in the house was his downfall. Throwing the HoH & Veto during the DE were the nails in the coffin that he could not get out of. While the plan on paper seemed like a good one – not being able to read Tyler better left him stunned and temporarily speechless during his exit interview with Julie. I am sure we are all excited to see his arrival at the jury house.

That brings us to the Tofurkey of the Week – and this week it is Tyler Crispen. Wait – what??? Tyler??? He is the only player up til now that has not received Tofu once all season, and now he’s the Tofurkey? Yes, he has been playing a great game most of the season, but he got way too cocky since his showmance started and getting rid of Brett how he did it, and then getting rid of Sam instead of JC who he clearly knew was on to him were very very sloppy moves.

Earlier on in the season, it was looking like he was going to be a legendary player – top 10 of all time – but the past 2 weeks has made me rethink that. He is like a sports team that was in first place all season only to lose in the first round of the playoffs. There is still a chance he will win his way to the Final 2 – but if he does, he will probably make another bad move and take Kaycee over JC. Just like Angela – he may walk out of the house without the money, but walk out with love. Unlike Angela, this will plague him for the rest of his life, or until next season when they bring him back a la Paul.

OK kids, that’s it for this week – we still have 3 episodes left this season & still plenty of drama to unfold. I will be back next Wednesday with my final rankings of the summer where I will actually give myself Bacon/Tofu based on my preseason rankings compared to how the players actually performed. That should be fun.

My question of the week – who surprised you the most from your own perceptions preseason until now? Was there someone you thought would be great that turned out to be a dud, or was there someone you thought you would never root for only to become #TEAM(insert name here)? Let me know your answer & what you think of my rankings this week in the comments section below.

From outside the Big Brother House, I’m Adam Poch. Have a great day!

Follow Adam Poch on Twitter: & you can listen to him weekly on the Big Brothers Podcast – follow them at @BigBrothersPod

Also – if you are in the NYC area – join Adam at the Bacon & Beer Classic at USTA Tennis Center on September 29th. Visit for more info – and use the code BACONMINISTER to save 15% off any ticket.



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