Big Brother 20 Live Feeds: Sam’s Crazy Pitch to Faysal

This week has been pretty entertaining in the Big Brother 20 house and even more so with some of the action we have seen on the live feeds. Speaking of which, we have heard some pretty crazy pitches, but there was one that is the icing on the cake thus far.

This morning at 10:15 am BBT (cams 1 and 2), Sam decides she is going to make the craziest pitch of the season to Faysal. I don’t mean the “this is so crazy it just might work” pitch, I mean the idiotic kind.

She told Faysal that it would be smart for Faysal to get Haleigh out while he has the chance because Haleigh would put Faysal up “quick, fast, in a hurry.” She tells him about how when they first talked about the All-Girl Alliance, Haleigh, Bayleigh, and Rockstar mentioned putting Faysal and Scottie up if she won HOH. She tells him that she didn’t understand how they were willing to do that to him and Scottie after Faysal saved her. She said if she was willing to do it then and she would be willing to do it now. She even added that if he put Haleigh up and she went home that Sam would quit smoking on national television.

She asks him if he trusts Haleigh, he asks her who can he trust? She tells him that he can trust her. He mentions that they have never talked game before. Sam tells him that Haleigh looks at him as a tool or a body double because she can’t win the physical competitions, where Sam looks at him as a teammate. She tells him that Haleigh is nothing but dead weight.

He is definitely taken aback by this and tells her that he definitely wasn’t expecting this at all. She tells him just to say yes, he tells her he can’t just say yes, he has to think about it. He tells her that he needs to make sure that jumping ship on Haleigh is the right move for his game. She continues to pressure him for an answer, but he keeps telling her that he needs to think about it. He tells her that he won’t leave her in the dark and she will know what he decides.

The more I listened to this pitch, the more I thought, what is she doing? Sam tried to tell him that Haleigh would applaud this move (I doubt that highly). She even told him that if it came down to it, she would give it all to him in the end, Haleigh wouldn’t. I know we have had the “Sam is crazy” talk, but this really did top it all.

What did you think of this pitch? Could he get further in the game without Haleigh?



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