Big Brother 20 Live Feeds: Is Rockstar Hurting Her Votes?

With the Veto Ceremony happening yesterday, the final nominees are in place for week 6 on Big Brother 20. Now it’s time for the Big Brother nominees to start campaigning, but is one of the noms hurting their chance to get votes already?

Rockstar and Bayleigh are on the block together this week. Bayleigh was Angela’s target to start the week, but with the Hacker Comp twist, she had to find a way to BD Bayleigh. That chance came after Angela won the POV and decided she was going to take Tyler off the block.

In her Veto Speech, Angela told everyone that she believed Bayleigh was the Hacker (a fake cover Angela is using) and resented her for trying to take over her HOH. Angela mentions that she thinks that Bayleigh is on a power trip and now she can consider her power trip over. This upset Bayleigh because she has told everyone in the house that there is no way she is the Hacker because she didn’t get a single question right in the comp. Mentions that Scottie admitted to getting three right, so how could she be the Hacker if he got more questions right than she did.

Meanwhile, during the Veto Ceremony fallout, Rockstar started telling people that she didn’t think that Angela’s accusations were true. This had JC running around telling the other HGs that Rockstar was really terrible at this game and that she should be using this as the selling point in her campaign to stay in the house.

One of the HGs JC told this to was Faysal, who then took the concern to Haleigh. This had them worried that if they kept Rockstar over Bayleigh that their game would suffer (more than it already is). They then started thinking about whether or not they can get enough votes to keep Bayleigh in the house and send Rockstar to Jury on Thursday. 

With Haleigh being the Hacker, she can cancel one vote during Thursday’s eviction. However, unless they can convince two people out of Scottie, Sam, and JC to keep Bayleigh in the house, they still won’t have enough votes to keep her from going to the Jury house. We all know that Tyler, Kaycee, and Brett will be voting Bayleigh out of the house. Haleigh would probably cancel out one of those votes giving L6 only two guaranteed votes. Haleigh and Faysal plan on voting to keep Bayleigh in the house, but they will still need at least two of the remaining three votes to save Bayleigh and send Rockstar to Jury.

Do you think that Rockstar telling everyone in the house that she doesn’t think Bayleigh is the Hacker is hurting her chances of staying? Do you think that Faysal and Haleigh can convince Sam, JC or Scottie to vote to keep Bayleigh? 



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