Big Brother 20 Live Feeds Week 6: Tuesday Daytime Highlights

The Big Brother 20 houseguests spent most of the day hanging out by the pool, but the day was particularly emotional for Rockstar as she feels defeated and even started talking about falling on her sword, so to speak, to give Bayleigh a shot at winning the game. Read on for all the dramatics from the Tuesday morning and afternoon Live Feeds.

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Big Brother 20 Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, August 7, 2018:

    9:30 AM BBT – HGs getting up for the day.

    10:35 AM BBT – Bayleigh tells Sam she wishes she never tried out for Big Brother. She believes this show has ruined her reputation. She’s worried about bad language being used.

    11:20 AM BBT – Bayleigh admits she shouldn’t have told Rachel about her power and that was part of her downfall.

    11:25 AM BBT – Bayleigh worries about what she’ll go back to after having quit her job. She hopes maybe she can get it back. Bayleigh says her family didn’t want her to go on the show.

    12:05 PM BBT – RS figures out the Hacker blame was probably just a ploy and they were probably targeting Bayleigh for her power after Brett revealed it in his speech.

    12:10 PM BBT – Bayleigh hopes the ratings this season drop dramatically after she’s evicted.

    1:29 PM BBT – Rockstar asks Bayleigh if she thinks Bay can win if she stays this week. Bayleigh says yes, she has a lot to prove. She asks Rockstar if she’s thinking of doing something stupid. Rockstar says she is thinking about dragging everyone in her eviction speech and calling them all fake. Rockstar says she just really can’t stand any of these people.

    1:31 PM BBT – Bayleigh and Rockstar say Angela showed her real colors and she can’t believe those are the people America is supporting. Bayleigh said this is some people’s only moment to shine so you have to let them.

    1:33 PM BBT – Rockstar says there are certain messages that need to be sent to America and she wants to go out epic. Bayleigh tells her she’s not going out and Rockstar says no, that’s what she wants to happen. So she wants Bayleigh to stay over her.

    1:34 PM BBT – Bayleigh tells Rockstar and Faysal that Angela told her in their one-on-one that she wanted her to be the first black Big Brother winner and then she turns around and makes the move to backdoor her.

    1:35 PM BBT – Rockstar tells Bayleigh she could give an epic speech and go out and Bayleigh can stay and take everyone down. Rockstar says she’s not promising anything with that suggestion, but she’s just thinking about stuff.

    1:59 PM BBT – Rockstar tells Sam that if these spoiled kids are going to keep putting her on the block is it better to let them know what she thinks about them and go out with a bang and make sure Bayleigh stays and potentially win and make a social statement. Rockstar wonders if that’s a disservice to her family.

    2:03 PM BBT – Angela tells Haleigh that she is sure Bayleigh is the Hacker because the two of them had a talk with Kaycee and they told Bayleigh that they’d keep nominations the same if they played in Veto. So Angela thinks that’s why Bayleigh as the Hacker picked Kaycee to play.

    2:06 PM BBT – Angela also tells Haleigh that Bayleigh offered her a final two and even named the alliance. Angela says that Bayleigh was so safe. She said she wasn’t targeting Bayleigh and she has that power app and then she told lies and proved to her that she can’t trust her. She says no one in the has done her wrong like Bayleigh has.

    2:08 PM BBT – Rockstar is crying because the game is bigger than her and she’s worried about sacrificing her self-preservation. She says she has a very big belief system and she just really doesn’t like any of this.

    2:12 PM BBT – Bayleigh tells Rockstar she doesn’t want her to think she thinks her game is more important than hers. She says she doesn’t think that but suggests she’d still rather Bayleigh stay and try to win.

    2:17 PM BBT – Bayleigh tells Rockstar that she’s not going to tell her to throw her game away. Rockstar says she could tell her anything she wants and it wouldn’t matter because she’s already had the thoughts in her head. Bayleigh said, well it might not even work because the people in the game have already made up their minds.

    3:00 PM BBT – The HGs are having a pool party with a picnic spread.

Rockstar seems to be struggling with reasons to stay in the Big Brother game, but I think it won’t matter if she wants to go or not, I think the HGs are going to vote how they want.

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