It was eviction eve in the Big Brother 20 house and Rockstar finally starting getting nervous over the vote, but her alliance was still convinced they have the votes to save her this week.
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Big Brother 20 Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, August 15, 2018:
- 3:05 PM BBT – RS tells Scottie that JC comforted her and told her to relax, that it’d be okay. RS is still worried and doesn’t want to be blindsided.
3:10 PM BBT – Faysal, Haleigh, & RS discuss how JC won’t commit his vote and says he’s not loyal to any one side. Group feels they are secure with votes from Sam, Scottie, and Brett.
3:30 PM BBT – Scottie warns Haleigh that Brett is certain Sam is most likely going to vote for Kaycee to stay.
4:00 PM BBT – JC promises Kaycee she has his vote to stay. They discuss how Faysal and Haleigh are in a showmance, but their allies don’t see it.
4:05 PM BBT- JC tells Kaycee how RS definitely assumes she has his vote from their talks when she was counting him as one of her four votes to stay.
4:10 PM BBT – JC highlights how the other side has no loyalty to each other, they put each other down, hurt their own games, etc.
4:20 PM BBT – Kaycee notes how much Scottie likes Haleigh. JC wonders if he could use that to pit Faysal against Scottie.
4:25 PM BBT – JC pitches an idea to Kaycee. He thinks they should keep Scottie in the dark then when it’s 5-1 they have Brett say he was the only vote against Kaycee so Faysal believes Scottie flipped his vote.
4:30 PM BBT – Kaycee reports back to Angela that they’re good with JC for votes. She also tells her about the idea to frame Scottie as a flipped vote.
4:40 PM BBT – Angela and Kaycee both want to nominate Faysal and Haleigh but then BD Scottie.
4:50 PM BBT – JC is sharing his idea with Tyler about framing Scottie. JC thinks this could really turn Haleigh and Faysal against him.
5:00 PM BBT – Kaycee lets Brett know about JC’s idea on the votes. Brett isn’t crazy about this frame-Scottie move. He already has a plan to explain his vote against RS and believes Haleigh would believe Scottie anyway.
5:10 PM BBT – Sam says she wishes she could leave so both RS and Kaycee could stay.
6:00 PM BBT – HGs working on dinner and hanging out in the kitchen.
6:25 PM BBT – Luggage has arrived. Kaycee goes to get hers and chats with Angela thanking her for being with her in the game.
6:25 PM BBT – RS notes to Haleigh that Kaycee had Tyler and Angela alone in the Lounge and has been doing one on one meetings around the house.
7:00 PM BBT – Haleigh tells Brett that she’s nervous about the vote and how she can’t compete for HOH to protect herself.
7:10 PM BBT – Haleigh says she’s been told by four other people that they’re good on the votes. Brett suggests people are waiting to hear what happens with what vote ends up getting canceled.
7:30 PM BBT – Rockstar tells Sam that Tyler has been having one on ones with people campaigning for Kaycee to stay. She says she thinks she still has the votes so she’s still hoping for the best.
7:38 PM BBT – Rockstar tells Sam that Bayleigh will be disappointed if she shows up at the jury house this week.
7:42 PM BBT – Rockstar tells Haleigh that she got nervous for seeing Scottie wearing Angela’s hat and hoodie. Sam says who cares? Rockstar says she knows and she needs to calm down.
7:45 PM BBT – Haleigh tells Rockstar that she’s not going home. Rockstar says she needs to make herself calm down.
7:49 PM BBT – Sam tells Haleigh she thought Angela and Haleigh were cool. Haleigh says they don’t dislike each other but Angela is coming for her in the game.
8:28 PM BBT – Scottie tells the HOH room that people were asking Kaycee what she’s wearing tomorrow as if they were under the assumption she would be competing in HOH tomorrow.
8:44 PM BBT – Several HGs are trying on Kaycee’s unitard costume as she packs for her possible eviction.
9:03 PM BBT – Scottie tells Rockstar that Brett isn’t sure Sam is voting to keep Rockstar so he’s worried being on the wrong side of the vote. Haleigh says that’s why they need to talk to JC. Haleigh asks if the need to call Brett in the room and tell him Sam is voting to keep Rockstar and he should too. Scottie says that’s a bad idea to pull someone into a room in front of five people and tell him how to vote. Scottie says he’ll handle Brett and they work on JC.
9:08 PM BBT – Rockstar tells Faysal, Haleigh, and Scottie that if she’s not here next week they all need to agree to nominate Angela and Tyler and send Angela out.
9:17 PM BBT – Haleigh thinks that if enough people tell JC they’re voting out Kaycee he’ll do the same thing.
10:17 PM BBT – Faysal tells JC that Sam said she’s voting to keep Rockstar. JC says she told him otherwise. JC says Sam is just acting weird. Faysal tells JC that Angela threw Sam under the bus to Haleigh before nominations. JC tells Faysal that he’s not saying how he’s voting because he doesn’t want the Hacker to cancel his vote. Faysal says he’s not the Hacker so he’s going to tell him how he’s voting. JC says not to tell him what to do. Faysal says if they’re going to be a team he has to share stuff with him. JC says not to call them a team.
10:45 PM BBT – Sam says she was on Tyler’s side always, but he picked Kaycee and has become closer to her instead.
10:50 PM BBT – Sam promises Tyler her vote is going to keep Kaycee because she promised her first. Sam admits the other side does expect her to vote to keep RS.
10:55 PM BBT – Sam says she’ll stick with Tyler, but he can’t replace her with Angela. Tyler says he’ll let it look like he’s with Angela so if someone targets him they’ll put him up with Angela, not his real #1, Sam.
11:15 PM BBT – Faysal warns JC that Scottie will not vote to keep Kaycee. He also thinks Brett has distanced himself from Angela.
11:35 PM BBT – JC continues to try and talk Faysal down that no one is coming for him right now and to not worry about Tyler as a threat.
11:37 PM BBT – RS noticed Angela and Kaycee wrote a “6” on their hats before going into the DR. She wonders what that means and figures it’s just something about the sixth competition and discards the concern.
11:40 PM BBT – RS is frustrated that Tyler didn’t do more to help her after the Veto since it was her fault he stayed in the comp. She points out he could have kept things the same but Faysal notes that Angela saved Tyler the week before.
11:45 PM BBT – RS tells Haleigh she’s sure about Sam’s vote because Sam told her so.
11:50 PM BBT – Faysal starts to tell Haleigh and RS how JC is concerned that their side is a team that doesn’t work like a team. Haleigh is upset and frustrated with JC and says she won’t tell him anything because he does nothing to help them.
12:00 AM BBT – Haleigh notes that JC doesn’t hang out with them in HOH but did when Angela was HOH. Faysal is sure JC isn’t working with Angela or Kaycee. Scottie agrees. Haleigh says they need to start working more like a group together and communicate better.
12:05 AM BBT – Haleigh wants Brett to come upstairs and for the group to have an open discussion on the plan. The rest of the group doesn’t like the idea. Faysal leaves.
12:10 AM BBT – Scottie explains to Haleigh that Brett sees her and Faysal as a F2 so he’s nervous about working with them.
12:30 AM BBT – Faysal is upset at Haleigh for telling him to “shut up.” He complains to JC that he’s not a young person like Haleigh might have been around before. JC warns him that Haleigh might like him, but she doesn’t seem to trust him.
12:35 AM BBT – JC is working on implementing his plan to pit Faysal against Scottie. He brings up how Scottie is always around Haleigh and giving her advice. JC suggests Scottie likes Haleigh.
12:40 AM BBT – JC tries to convince Faysal that way back in Week 3 it was RS who flipped the vote to keep Brett. Faysal says that might be true.
12:50 AM BBT – Faysal says he’s ready to make a big move if he wins HOH. JC warns him that big moves only work if you have the votes to support them.
12:55 AM BBT – JC warns Faysal that RS and Brett may be very close and if she stays she could shift to working with someone else if it’s better for her game over their group.
1:05 AM BBT – Haleigh is helping RS with her speech in front of Brett and tells her to make it clear she’s coming for Angela. Brett offers up the idea of mentioning “level” in her speech but leaves out the “6.”
2:30 AM BBT – Sam is still awake and eating in the kitchen. She’s talking nonsense to the cameras.
2:55 AM BBT – Scottie is staying upstairs with Haleigh. She’s worried her game is going to end very soon. Scottie doesn’t think so.
3:30 AM BBT – Haleigh asks and Scottie admits that he told the other group that Bayleigh should go. He says he was emotional and upset after Bayleigh made him swear on the Bible. Haleigh agrees that was a bad move by Bayleigh.
3:35 AM BBT – Haleigh tells Scottie that if she is evicted on Thursday with a DE then he should align with Tyler and Brett instead.
What a mess Hive is in and I can’t tell for sure if Haleigh sees that RS is going but it does look like RS is remaining hopeful and optimistic that she’s okay. With enough HGs lying about their votes she’s in for a surprise on Thursday night.
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