Big Brother 20 Live Feeds Week 7: Thursday Night Highlights

The Big Brother 20 power shifted once again at the end of Thursday night’s episode, so as soon as the Live Feeds returned, we got in on all the talks about how people plan to keep themselves off the block and who the new HOH has her sights on.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 20 Live Feed Highlights – Thursday, August 9, 2018:

    7:09 PM BBT – Feeds are back.

    7:10 PM BBT – Tyler tells Kaycee he’s tired of Sam playing so personal and risking their games.

    7:15 PM BBT – Angela comforts Sam telling her not to worry about her vote and the house is good with her keeping it from being unanimous. Sam claims she didn’t know how everyone else was voting. Sam tells Angela she isn’t going to “suck her d**k” to keep from getting nominated.

    7:20 PM BBT – Sam tells JC that she voted against the house because she didn’t think it was fair.

    7:27 PM BBT – Faysal tells RS and Sam that he could hear the audience react with shock to his vote. Rockstar tells Sam that she takes no offense that she voted for Bayleigh to stay. She says she didn’t want her to go out unanimously.

    7:32 PM BBT – Kaycee tells Angela that she and Tyler are over Sam messing with their game. Angela says that Sam is an easy target for Haleigh since she nominated her. She thinks Haleigh will nominate Sam and Brett and try to backdoor Tyler.

    7:40 PM BBT – Haleigh asks Rockstar what they’re going to do. Rockstar tells her that her plan was to nominate Angela and Kaycee and backdoor Tyler. She says people probably thought she’d put up Brett but she wasn’t going to touch him. Haleigh said she’s not putting up Brett.

    7:45 PM BBT – Faysal tells JC that Haleigh will probably nominate two weak players and backdoor a strong player. He tells JC to keep his mouth shut about that.

    7:53 PM BBT – Kaycee tells Tyler Haleigh won’t put him up outright because he can win the veto. Tyler wants Kaycee to tell Haleigh that Tyler would win the veto if he goes up initially.

    8:01 PM BBT – JC tells Angela, Tyler and Kaycee that he’s going to try to get Haleigh to nominate Sam. Angela says they need to win Hacker and put Rockstar on the block with Sam then Tyler can win the veto and keep nominations the same.

    8:41 PM BBT – Sam tells Faysal she’s really angry about the eviction and on a much bigger scale. He asks what she means but she won’t say, just that she doesn’t feel good about it. Faysal tells Sam he didn’t want to vote Bayleigh out.

    9:50 PM BBT – Sam tells Haleigh that if she puts her up she understands since she nominated her. She tells Haleigh that if she has a plan this week she won’t go against her.

    9:53 PM BBT – Angela is offering Haleigh advice as HOH. Haleigh tells her she has no idea what she is doing.

    9:05 PM BBT – Brett and Kaycee talking about Sam not wanting to be here and how that will get the least amount of blood on Haleigh’s hands.

    9:12 PM BBT – Angela mentions to Haleigh that she thinks Sam wants to go hime and how annoyed she is by that. Haleigh says she doesn’t think Sam realized what she was signing up for when she agreed to come on the show.

    9:20 PM BBT – JC is working on Haleigh to put Sam up as a pawn. He tells her that the Hacker comp makes this week hard so she should put up weaker people and then they can win the Hacker comp and target a big player.

    9:24 PM BBT – Brett filling Tyler and Angela in on what he’s learning from Scottie. He tells them that Scottie knows Tyler and Angela are working together and probably Kaycee too.

    9:28 PM BBT – Haleigh tells JC she’s not putting Tyler up. She says that would be dumb with the Hacker comp and veto in play.

    9:35 PM BBT – Faysal tells Haleigh that she needs to nominate Angela and Kaycee and backdoor Tyler. She says backdooring Tyler is her goal this week. Haleigh says she’s definitely nominating Kaycee, but still not sure between Angela and Sam. She says she can justify nominating Sam but not Angela and she thinks Angela isn’t coming after her.

    9:36 PM BBT – Faysal tells Haleigh that he really likes her. She says thank you.

    10:00 PM BBT – Haleigh and Faysal having one of their typical spats. Faysal thinks Scottie is trying to pit them against each other so he wants to nominee Scottie if he wins the Hacker Comp. Haleigh tells him not to do that.

    10:10 PM BBT – Haleigh tells Rockstar that she’s considering Sam next to Kaycee or Sam next to Angela. Rockstar tells her Angela for sure. Then Rockstar tells her to put up Kaycee and Angela. She says to make a deal with Sam because Sam won’t lie in the game and will stick to her deal.

    10:25 PM BBT – Faysal admits to JC that he knew about Bayleigh’s power.

    10:45 PM BBT – Sam tells Haleigh she doesn’t feel like she belongs and wishes she could have left last round so Bayleigh and RS could have both stayed.

    11:10 PM BBT – Haleigh and Scottie share notes over Brett and agree they both like him.

    11:20 PM BBT – Haleigh talks with RS about her plan to go after Tyler but will use Angela as a decoy using a big speech about it.

    11:40 PM BBT – Sam is crying again. She wants to leave. Haleigh is trying to talk her down.

    11:45 PM BBT – Sam is convinced that HGs are making fun of her. RS assures her no one is making fun of Sam or going after her on a personal level.

    11:50 PM BBT – Sam and RS have a pinky swear with Sam saying she wants Tyler and Angela out of the game.

    12:10 AM BBT – Haleigh is getting her HOH room and reading her letter from home.

    12:35 AM BBT – JC warns Haleigh that Scottie could be messing with their circle’s trust.

    12:40 AM BBT – Haleigh asks JC how he feels about Kaycee and Angela going up. He warns her that with this Hacker twist that might not be a good idea. Haleigh says Tyler is targeting her. JC points out Tyler hadn’t been talking about Haleigh, but she says he is now. JC pushes again for Sam to go up against either Kaycee or Angela but to not put them both up together.

    12:50 AM BBT – Faysal comes in and wants to talk with Haleigh about Scottie. He’s very upset and wants Scottie brought up. Haleigh says he’s overreacting if he didn’t do what Scottie suggested.

    12:55 AM BBT – Tyler talks with Haleigh and she explains how she’s upset that he was trying to turn Scottie against her. He warns her that if she puts him up tomorrow then he’ll have two chances to save himself.

    1:05 AM BBT – Tyler offers Haleigh that if she doesn’t put him up tomorrow and he wins the Hacker comp then he’ll do what she wants with it. They pinky swear.

    1:25 AM BBT – Faysal comes in while Tyler and Haleigh are talking. He wants Tyler to vouch that Bayleigh suggested getting Rachel out after she won HOH.

    1:30 AM BBT – Faysal is upset and tells Haleigh to just put him up because he wants to go. He promises he didn’t flip. Faysal explains that Scottie and Tyler are close and that it makes more sense that Scottie, not him (F), flipped his vote. Haleigh agrees.

    1:35 AM BBT – Haleigh tells RS and Faysal she’s going to put up Angela and Kaycee. They agree with that move. Haleigh mentions JC is pushing for Sam, but they don’t think that’s a good idea.

    1:40 AM BBT – Haleigh, RS, and Faysal count the votes to make sure even in the case of the Hacker putting one up that they can still control the votes. With Scottie and Sam’s vote they think they can control it.

    2:50 AM BBT – Faysal and RS talk about hearing the crowd reactions when they were voting Bayleigh out.

    3:15 AM BBT – Faysal and Haleigh are still awake and talking in the HOH room. Everyone else is off to sleep.

    4:00 AM BBT – HGs are all off to bed. Faysal is sleeping downstairs after Haleigh told him he couldn’t stay up there with her.

Drama and power shifts! Overnight Feeds set us up with easy expectations for the next round of nominations but the Hacker comp and Tyler’s Cloud power will be coming in to play this week so get ready for more twists and turns.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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