Big Brother 20: The Best And Worst Of Week 6

It was another dramatic ween in the Big Brother 20 game. A lot of good and bad moments went down, but no matter what, it was another entertaining week.

Let’s talk a look at the highs and lows of the week.

The Best and Worst of Big Brother 20 Week 6

Thumbs Up: Angela Joins The Show. It was about time Angela showed up. I mean you normally don’t get to be on Big Brother for four or five weeks and not get in the game. It was nice to see her win Head of Household and end up with the veto. She also got her target out this week. She’s not going on any best or favorite player lists anytime soon, but it’s nice to see her play.

Thumbs Down: Sam’s Terrible Idea. When the HGs learned that there was a new twist coming to the game, Sam volunteered to win the competition and refuse to hack the game. Everyone thought it was as terrible idea and it was shot down, but it was just a really bad idea and one of many instances where Sam has shown she has no interest in playing Big Brother. People who don’t watch the Live Feeds aren’t seeing this, but Sam says she hates playing the game every day and almost self-evicted Thursday night.

Thumbs Up: The Hacker Comp. I was really impressed with that competition. I loved the idea and the setting and who can forget the wold Brett spelled out on his screen and chuckled like a schoolboy.

Thumbs Up: Haleigh Nominates Tyler. I think any good Big Brother player needs to face some adversity, so when Haleigh, acting as the Hacker, nominated Tyler I thought good for him. This will make him work harder. All the great players had moments of adversary, and if Tyler wants to join that list, he needs to do the same. And good for Haleigh for making such a bold move. Now, only if she played the rest of the week so well …

Thumbs Down: Bayleigh Gets Blamed As Hacker. I love Big Brother drama, but one of my least favorite things about the show is when a player gets called out for something they didn’t do. That has always bothered me. So when Angela used that falsity as her reason for nominated Bayleigh I was immediately over it. Just tell her she has the Power App and that’s why she’s the target. Easy.

Thumbs Down: Veto Swap. I love that White Elephant veto comp every season, but this season the last two people to finish did not take the Veto, and that is just dumb. It’s just too dangerous not to take the veto when you’re on the block, even when you’re trusting your solid alliance. When Tyler didn’t take the veto from Angela, I thought, wow he really has faith in his alliance. I understood why Scottie didn’t take it because Tyler would’ve just turned around and taken it from him. It all worked out for Tyler in the end and now he has a trip to Hawaii, but still. Risky.

Thumbs Up: Angela Nominates Bayleigh. I liked Bayleigh. I was rooting for Bayleigh. But after she won HOH and revealed her power to everyone, I had to bail. So Angela going after Bayleigh was the right move. If you know about a power, get rid of it!

Thumbs Down: Haleigh Tells Bayleigh She’s The Hacker. Haleigh made such a bold move by targeting Tyler, but she ruined it all by spilling her secret. I understand why she did and that would be admirable in any other setting, but this is a game for $500,000! And Haleigh did regret telling Bayleigh because that means she had to tell everyone.

Thumbs Up: The House Meeting. OK, Haleigh was dumb for spilling the secret, but that made for one explosive house meeting. Bayleigh went all in on Tyler and it was one of the biggest fights on the show in a long time. Neither Tyler nor Bayleigh did themselves any favors during the fight, though. So it was for nothing. Nothing but our entertainment.

Thumbs Up: Brett’s Week. Brett went from biggest D-bag on the block twice to one of the HGs sitting in the ย best spot this week. He cooked all week, he comforted Bayleigh and even Rockstar. He had fun with his Granny punishment and he had a talk with JC about sexuality. Of course this was all part of his gameplay, but it was great gameplay. Brett became a contender this week.

Thumbs Down: Brett’s Goodbye Message. Just when I think Brett has learned something about playing Big Brother he sends Bayleigh an a-hole goodbye message, possibly burning a jury vote. I hope he realizes that’s not smart at this point in the game.

Thumbs Up: Power Shift. As we saw at the end of Thursday’s episode, Haleigh is the new Head of Household. That means an other power shift! And that’s also the 7th HOH without a repeat winner! That almost never happens. And with the Hacker comp in play, this next week should be quite good.

What were your favorite moments from Big Brother 20 Week 6?




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