We’ve got a new Head of Household in the Big Brother 20 house and even though I’m still not sure why she wanted to win, we’ve gotten to hear what she has in store for the week.
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Big Brother 20 Live Feed Highlights – Thursday, July 19, 2018:
8:20 PM BBT – Feeds return from the HOH comp. Sam is the new HOH.
8:22 PM BBT – Rockstar is crying over what happened with Brett during the live episode. She doesn’t understand why he did that to her. She and Bayleigh agree they’re on the losing side of this game and feel like they’re in the dark every week.
8:24 PM BBT – Bayleigh tells Faysal one person flipped but he said, no two people flipped because JC voted Brett out (nope). Bayleigh thinks one of them was Tyler.
8:25 PM BBT – Rockstar is also upset that she was first out of the HOH competition. She said she wanted to make her daughter proud. Sam tells Rockstar that 10 years ago she did something amazing (it’s Rockstar’s daughter’s birthday). Sam says making babies is more impressive than her HOH win.
8:26 PM BBT – Bayleigh tells Faysal she’s done with this side and she’s sick of him trusting those girls. She thinks they can’t be trusted.
8:29 PM BBT – Kaitlyn tells Faysal that she believes what Brett said about Rockstar because she doesn’t think Tyler flipped. She thinks it was Rockstar and Haleigh who flipped.
8:35 PM BBT – Kaitlyn tells Rachel that if Tyler flipped she’ll kill herself.
8:42 PM BBT – Brett and Kaitlyn talking. She tells him she can’t work with Rockstar any longer. She tells Brett even though she voted to evict him, she’s glad he’s still here.
8:45 PM BBT – Kaitlyn asks Haleigh to swear on her mom that she didn’t vote to keep Brett. Haleigh said she won’t swear on her mom. Haleigh said she is tired of Kaitlyn putting her on the spot and not believing her over her votes.
9:15 PM BBT – Haleigh tells Bayleigh that she’s really upset that Kaitlyn asked her about her vote in front of Brett. Bayleigh says she probably doesn’t mean anything by it because she’s her best friend. Haleigh says that Kaitlyn is not her best friend.
9:18 PM BBT – JC confirms that he wasn’t going to fall before Kaitlyn in the HOH competition.
9:30 PM BBT – Haleigh says she knows Sam is going to put her up. Scottie asks her why she’s so convinced she’s going up and she said because she and Sam never talk.
9:43 PM BBT – Tyler, irritated with Kaitlyn, tells Bayleigh that he did not say that he saw Brett and Rockstar having conversations and has no idea what she’s even bringing his name into this. He says Kaitlyn is so annoying to bring him into this. Tyler says he’s checking out for the day and there’s no reason for him to be involved in this.
10:06 PM BBT – Kaitlyn is whining to Tyler that his game is eating her alive. Tyler tells her not to be a victim because she’s killing this game.
10:10 PM BBT – Rockstar is crying to Kaitlyn now saying that America at least knows what she did and how she voted. She says Brett has never spoken to her once this season and has no idea why he said she talked to him before the vote. Rockstar says she’s clearly voting with the wrong side of the house because nothing turns out as it’s supposed to.
10:12 PM BBT – Rockstar asks why she’d go vote for Brett to stay after he called her out in front of the house. She says it would make no sense for her to go vote like that right after he said that. Kaitlyn said she doesn’t think Rockstar voted to keep Brett. They say two people flipped and Kaitlyn said it makes her sick.
10:19 PM BBT – Faysal asks Bayleigh if she plans to use her power this week. She says no.
10:22 PM BBT – JC tells Angela that Rachel likes Rockstar and doesn’t know if they can trust her. Angela says she and Rachel haven’t been as close as they were (that’s an act the two of them came up with for their Final 2 plan).
10:30 PM BBT – JC asks Sam who she’s going to nominate and Tyler tells him to let her get her HOH room before they start talking about that. Sam asks JC who he would’ve put up. He says Kaitlyn.
10:45 PM BBT – Sam lets Angela, Rachel, and Brett know her plan but it won’t be any of them this week.
11:05 PM BBT – Faysal questions JC on his vote. JC acts offended. Faysal is confused and worried since that means two other people he trusted have been lying to him. JC is pushing that it must have been Kaitlyn. JC tells Faysal that it’ll be Kaitlyn and Haleigh who are going up. Faysal says he’s fine with that since they’re supposed to be close to him and but one of them must be lying to him.
11:20 PM BBT – Faysal tells JC he knows something about Kaitlyn that would really embarrass her but doesn’t want to do that on national TV. JC asks if it’s that Kaitlyn is in an open relationship. Faysal is very upset over the votes and says he’ll put Kaitlyn on blast if he has to.
11:40 PM BBT – Kaitlyn asks to talk with Faysal privately but he’s indifferent. Kaitlyn cries that she isn’t lying to Faysal and wants him to trust her. She continues to push that she didn’t flip her vote and still wanted Brett out.
11:45 PM BBT – HOH reveal time for Sam.
11:55 PM BBT – Sam announces to the group that she already has her nominations in mind, but says she’s not allowed to tell.
11:57 PM BBT – Sam lets HGs know that the HOH room is hers this week and she doesn’t want them hanging out in there without her or without being invited.
12:00 AM BBT – Faysal talks with Haleigh and Kaitlyn. He says he doesn’t know who to trust anymore. Kaitlyn continues to defend her vote.
12:10 AM BBT – Angie declares she’s done with the game and wants Big Brother to take her out. Kaitlyn tells her to quit the pity party.
12:15 AM BBT – Haleigh questions if Sam’s power was to flip two votes and she used it. Kaitlyn immediately jumps on that and says that must be it. She says her intuition is telling her that now. (No, it was Haleigh who just told you that.)
12:20 AM BBT – Kaitlyn rushes to tell Tyler. He says yes, that must be it, she’s so smart for figuring it out, no one flipped, it was just Sam’s power, yes that must be it.
12:40 AM BBT – Faysal hears the new theory but still suspects Kaitlyn and Brett were in on something with this.
12:50 AM BBT – Kaitlyn tells Bayleigh her new idea on the vote flip. Bayleigh doesn’t buy it. She thinks two votes simply flipped. They argue and Bayleigh gets upset then tells Kaitlyn not to bully her and leaves.
1:00 AM BBT – Bayleigh goes to Tyler to tell him what’s happening with Kaitlyn. She points out that every time there’s been drama in the house, it’s been centered around Kaitlyn. Tyler says he’s been putting up with Kaitlyn’s mess every day.
1:05 AM BBT – Kaitlyn comes to talk with Tyler about Bayleigh calling her a bully. Tyler says he just wants to “check out” for the day. He tells her to just stop.
1:15 AM BBT – Angie notes how nice Rachel is being to her which she believes is because Rachel doesn’t like what Brett did to Angie. She says Rachel and Faysal were encouraging her to get the pots and pans to harass Brett. Bayleigh and Haleigh agree that’d be good to do.
1:40 AM BBT – Angie is following Brett and banging pans while shout-singing to him. Brett points out it’s already been done before.
2:00 AM BBT – Sam goes to Angie and asks if she can stop doing that now that it’s 2AM. Angie says she’s just really excited about Brett being there. Sam relents but says she’s really rather Angie stop. Angie persists and Sam reminds her that the banging pots affects everyone in the house, not just Brett.
2:15 AM BBT – Angela and Brett discuss that Sam might put up Angie now because of the fighting.
2:35 AM BBT – Rachel checks in with Brett and Angela to let them know she’s still with them, but just playing the other side right now.
2:45 AM BBT – Tyler tells L5 they might be able to pull in Bayleigh because he’s feeling really good about her after their talk. Tyler wants Faysal to go because he could beat them.
3:10 AM BBT – Brett and Tyler go over their story about Angie coming to him. They decide to stick with what people saw, Angie and Brett talking in the living room.
3:25 AM BBT – Brett suspects Bayleigh and JC have the other two powers. Tyler says he doesn’t think JC has it.
3:45 AM BBT – Lights going out and HGs are off to sleep.
Wow, what a night after an exciting eviction show. HGs are off to the races in Week 4 and we’ve got Sam’s nominations coming up. She seems to have set her plans, but won’t be sharing details on that. Well that’s no fun. Maybe she’ll loosen her lips for Tyler on Friday.
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