It was another dramatic week in the Big Brother house as the bros fought to stay in the game, the BB App Store opened and closed for the last time and Sam’s Power App got closer to extinction. So, needless to say, we’ve got a lot of best and worst moments to look at this week. So here we go.
The Best And Worst of Big Brother 20 Week 3
THUMBS UP: Scottie/Scottie wins HOH. When Scottie first won HOH last week, I was disappointed. I thought this would be another week where Tyler took control and the Level 6 side of the house would hold strong while the other side gets picked off. But Scottie immediately told Tyler he wanted to even up the house split. And that was perfect from a viewer standpoint. We love a house split that is as close to even as possible. Scottie was definitely king of the house this week.
THUMBS DOWN: Winston. Not only did Winston handle his nomination like a baby, he got a little cocky throughout the week and was completely shocked when he was evicted over Brett. Throwing Sam’s friendship bracelet on the ground after he was evicted was teenage girl petty. That’s just embarrassing, sorry.
THUMBS UP: Brett. Of the bros, Brett was definitely the stand out this week. From his stache bash absurdity to his “I’m getting a vision” speech at the veto ceremony to his eviction speech that called out Rockstar in a lie, Brett gave ys good TV this week. I am not the biggest bro fan, but I admitted liked Winston better until this week. Brett kind of snuck in there as one of the more entertaining HGs this week and I’m glad he stayed. Was what he did to Rockstar dirty? Yeah, but this is Big Brother and also no one really believed it (OK, maybe Kaitlyn believed it).
THUMBS DOWN: Kaitlyn’s Clairvoyance. I get a little torn when it comes to Kaitlyn because she’s so crazy that it’s entertaining so giving her a thumbs down is weird. But this thumbs down goes to her bogus claims that she’s intuitive and gets psychic hits. She has been wrong about every single thing in the Big Brother house. And even though Wednesday night’s episode made it look like she dream that the bros were coming for her, Bayleigh actually told her as much right after she woke up. So she took that info upstairs and passed it off as a “hit” and the Big Brother producers edited it as such. She’s bogus and gives a bad name to true intuitatives.
THUMBS UP: More Grandpa Lou Screentime. My favorite part of BB20 Week 3 was hands down when Kaitlyn was swearing on her grandparents’ lives and they cut to a shot of that bird outside that Kaitlyn said was grandpa Lou. That was perfect editing and should land Big Brother the Emmy nomination it deserves.
THUMBS DOWN: App Store Twist Ends. Why is that over already? We could have gotten one more week out of that! Why does BB always end twists we like early but made us suffer through the Battle of the Block for TWO SEASONS. Ugh.
THUMBS UP: Bayleigh Gets The Power App. Even though I think the power app is a little too powerful, I’m glad it went to Bayleigh. I think she is one of the few people who will actually use it wisely, but of course we’ll have to wait and see.
THUMBS DOWN: Haleigh Gets the Crap App. What does Anglea have to do to get least trending? Disintegrate into thin air? She already barely exists, so how did she not win the Crap App. Makes no sense to me!
THUMBS DOWN: JC. As if grabbing people by the crotch wasn’t bad enough, JC had to go and say something stupid that captured more headlines and has even forced the show to address it coming up on Sunday’s episode. It’s a shame that people still say and think thinks they shouldn’t, but I hope Big Brother helps some people, including JC, learn from this.
THUMPS UP: Sam’s family visit. Sam is such an enigma that I was very pleased we got to see her family and friends in a segment. That is definitely something that has been lacking in recent competition-heavy seasons, so I was glad they were able to fit that in this week. I hope we see more of those.
THUMBS UP: Big Brother 20. Let me just say how pleased I am with this season so far. I know it’s only Week 4 now, but these first three weeks have been better than all of Big Brother 19 combined. We’ve had three split votes and three blindsides. That’s every week so far! And people are actually scheming and playing hard and doing so unapologetically. It really feels like the Big Brother I feel in love with a long time ago. It’s refreshing and I hope it continues to be this good.
What were your favorite moments from Big Brother 20 week 3?