It was a very quiet day in the Big Brother 20 house as Faysal was on his “death sleep” and Haleigh tried her best to not make any waves in hopes of keeping the eviction votes on her side this week. Sam’s Salon was back open for business, though, and this time Brett and Kaycee were the victims customers.
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Big Brother 20 Live Feed Highlights โ Tuesday, August 28, 2018:
- 10:20 AM BBT – HGs got their wake up call.
10:25 AM BBT – Sam and Kaycee are up and in the kitchen with small chatter.
11:30 AM BBT – Angela and Kaycee discuss that Haleigh would like put her (A) and Sam up together.
11:45 AM BBT – Angela points out the house probably sees her, Kaycee, and Tyler as close leaving Brett, JC, and Sam. They wonder which side Haleigh would try to join.
12:19 PM BBT – Sam asks Brett about what she overheard on the intercom last night as he complained in the HOH room about Sam snapping at him over laundry. Brett plays it off and says he was just being grumpy and he’s allowed to do that. Sam asks him to come to her directly if he’s ever feeling that way again. They hug it out.
12:21 PM BBT – Angela, Tyler, and Kaycee are upstairs in HOH room. Angela mentions talking with Sam about overhearing things.
1:50 PM BBT – JC tells Brett if they can get Angela on the block they will have the votes to get her out. He says Haleigh would rather work with Brett than Angela and Tyler.
1:58 PM BBT – Tyler and Angela discuss what they think Haleigh would do if she wins HOH next. Angela thinks she’d put up her and Sam. Tyler thinks it could be him and Sam. Angela says along as it’s Sam and one of them they’ll be fine.
2:00 PM BBT – Angela thinks Sam would put up Haleigh and Brett since she now knows Brett is annoyed with her.
2:20 PM BBT – Haleigh tells Kaycee she plans to keep her eviction speech simple on Thursday. Haleigh tells Kaycee how she regrets how some things went down with her game (nominating Kaycee twice, etc). Haleigh says Faysal keeps getting mad at her for not acting like anything is wrong and for not being miserable like he is being.
2:57 PM BBT – Faysal is annoyed with why Big Brother wanted them all up today since there’s nothing for them to do. He says he’s on slop and the backyard is closed so what do they expect from him.
4:00 PM BBT – House is still pretty quiet.
6:50 PM BBT – Sam has given Brett an Ace Ventura hairdo.
7:03 PM BBT – Faysal tells JC that whoever stays this week is going after Angela, not Tyler. Faysal says he’s going to try to use his speech to turn Sam, Brett, and Tyler against Angela. JC tells Faysal it would benefit Haleigh to not go after Sam if Haleigh is the one who stays.
7:10 PM BBT – JC tells Faysal he will talk to Tyler to see if he can get his vote to keep Faysal. JC tells Faysal to also talk to Sam.
7:12 PM BBT – Faysal and JC discuss if there would be a Battle Back this week or next week.
7:22 PM BBT – Now it’s time for Kaycee to get her hair done.
8:33 PM BBT – JC tells Tyler that Faysal wants him to campaign for him. He says if he gets Tyler’s vote he stays. JC also says Faysal says if there’s a Battle Back he is definitely winning it and coming back.
8:47 PM BBT – Sam has finished straightening Kaycee’s hair. Everyone loves it and is telling Kaycee how beautiful it/she is.
9:48 PM BBT – Angela tells Kaycee that Faysal thinks he has JC and Sam’s votes to stay so he only needs one more.
10:03 PM BBT – Haleigh tells Faysal she feels like neither of them are leaving. He gets annoyed by this and tells her to shut up.
10:15 PM BBT – Faysal tells Haleigh he can’t wait to get out of there.
10:40 PM BBT – Angela and Kaycee wonder what they’re building in the backyard for the competition. Kaycee says it sounds intense.
11:50 PM BBT – Faysal and Sam talked about former jobs as servers. Faysal wasn’t able to balance the serving tray. Sam demonstrates how to do it with items around the house.
12:00 AM BBT – Angela, Kaycee, and Haleigh revisit the Veto comp in discussions. They wonder about the next HOH comp. Haleigh doesn’t expect the DE this week since they’ve been building something elaborate instead of quick and easy.
12:20 AM BBT – JC and Tyler think Sam will be coming for Haleigh. Tyler thinks Sam knows that’s what’s happening. JC wants to split up Angela and Kaycee right away. Tyler says not to do it yet. Tyler says neither of them would try to be either of them up.
12:25 AM BBT – JC is going through dates for the rest of the season and trying to decide if it’s even possible to have a Battle Back / DE this year. He doesn’t think they’ll do it.
12:30 AM BBT – Tyler tells JC to start getting closer to Kaycee. JC thinks they need to bring Sam to F3. Tyler says Sam would beat them.
12:35 AM BBT – JC warns Tyler that Brett believes Kaycee and Angela have a F2 with Tyler as their F3. Tyler says those two won’t make it to F3 together, but now is still too early to cut them. JC wants Tyler to stick to “the plan” but Tyler says he has to get Haleigh out next since she’s already come for him once.
12:40 AM BBT – JC worries about having to use Sam as a pawn, but Tyler thinks she’d be okay.
12:41 AM BBT – JC promises Tyler he will keep him safe and not let him be evicted. Tyler tells him you can’t control everything. JC counters that he might not be able to win comps, but he can win over people and control them.
12:50 AM BBT – JC wants them to vote out Angela if Haleigh gets HOH. Tyler says Kaycee would come for them after that since they voted out Angela. JC thinks Kaycee would go for Haleigh.
1:00 AM BBT – HGs are starting to go to bed.
1:30 AM BBT – Sam is up and cleaning in the kitchen.
3:15 AM BBT – Sam continues to linger around the house. Everyone else is asleep.
Faysal has checked out of the game already and isn’t bothering to campaign while Haleigh continues to try and improve her position with the other side. Meanwhile, JC has his wheels spinning and trying to prepare for the next round of targeting but has no idea L6 is all around him.
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